Hello and welcome here @chowhounddkennedy1!
The site takes a bit of getting used to, but is much easier to navigate than Chowhound was. The search function, for example, is vastly better.
You already found the bye bye CH thread, and there are a bunch of similar others, though some of them are just rants so I’m not sure they’re particularly useful
There’s a site topics section, but if you have questions about doing something, feel free to start a new thread to ask, and you’ll get pretty quick answers from someone or other!
Here are some familiar CH topics that exist here:
COTM (now quarterly)
DOTM (also quarterly)
Weekly menu planning
Monthly Baking
And some different but similar ones:
Cuisine of the Quarter
Non-baked things (doughs, desserts)
There are also busy seasonal threads like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and whatever else anyone decides would be fun
Holiday Treats
Thanksgiving thread
Christmas thread
Holiday leftovers
Snafus and disasters