What's for Dinner #64 - This Year's Almost Over, Thank Goodness! Edition - December 2020

god i love turmeric anything… that looks fantastic.


feliz cumples!

Absolutely fabulous.

Mish mosh dinner tonight. Chicken cutlets, Spanish rice, and broccoli rabe ala @NotJrvedivici (blanched in chicken stock before sautéing in oil and garlic).


No back story, it’s a common dish in the UK I believe https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/nov/24/how-to-eat-beans-on-toast

It may have been popularized by Heinz to sell beans.


Tuesday so it’s indian for dinner in these parts.

I cooked after a while (we got some lady’s cooking for a while, but it’s a bit much for every week it’s been determined).

Two kinds of cauliflower - one “plain” for the kids, one a bit saucier and with peas for the adults. Cluster beans (guvar) from the freezer (my Diwali order had a few indian vegetables I’ve been missing) cooked dry with spices. Dal (from the freezer stash - last of it).

And I had time today so I replenished the freezer stick of GF chapatis for the kids, using brown rice flour today. They turned out particularly well, I thought, which here means like my mom’s - small, thin, and perfectly puffed into a ball before being flattened.

Rounded out the meal with malai curry with yellowtail (just gorgeous fish, I continue to be grateful) and rice.

Can’t believe it’s December already. Think I say this every month - this year anyway.


What she said! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll have a salad with everything, please! Because I overbought at the Farmers Market… Again!

Mixed lettuces, Sweet Pea Greens & Tendrils, Cherry Tomatoes, Sunflower Sprouts, Corn (fresh frozen), Marinated Fava Beans, TJ’s Shredded Carrots, Goat Cheese, TJ’s Crispy Onions. It’s kinda’ surprising to still find a couple stands with tomatoes, but only kinda’, because we’ve had heat, fires, no rain and it’s Indian summer in SoCal. So, yay? Tomatoes were perfect. The salad is undressed in the photo but I added Veganaise to the remains of a bottle of TJ’s Balsamic Dressing and shook the heck out of it for Creamy Balsamic Dressing.

Red Shrimp, Corn & Potato Chowder

Of course, there was Cream. Also Corn Broth, Roasted Tomato Purée, Smoked Paprika, Cayenne and a skosh from a jar of one of my fridge potions (liquids from Conservas, Korean Hot Pepper Tuna & Katy’s Smokehouse Tuna). I may have used too much potion because it was a little oily but sooo good.


Lol excellent !! Could you tell the difference? Personally I can’t eat it any other way now, the bitterness is so off putting.

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I’ve done it several times but this came out the best (used a saltier stock). Delicious. Bitterness completely gone.

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I’m almost embarrassed to post last night’s Indian dinner after seeing @Saregama’s beautiful meal. Mine isn’t nearly as photogenic but tasted good. It was a way to use up the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers. Roasted Squash Soup with coconut milk, curry leaves and garam masala, Bhindi Masala, a riff on a Middle Eastern salad with yogurt and tamarind, and Aloo Paratha. We have leftover paratha which I plan to have toasted for breakfast.


That looks amazing, and those pictures! I still have some Principe Borghese tomatoes ripening on a plant. Really slowly.

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Thank you very much ChristinaM.

It is also my grandmother´s birthday and my twin sons birthdays too … And my grandsons (2).

A family of Sagittarians !!!

Have a lovely day.


Thank you very much !

We are a family of Sagiattarians and Leos !

We usually celebrate out but due to Covid, we decided to do at the apartment of my husband and I.

And there is a curfew of midnight and it is a week night.

And my parents had a 2 hour drive to Cadaquès … So we decided on lunch instead.

All my best wishes during these highly challenging times.


Thank you very much …

All my kindest regards.

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I made a riff on this Mark Bittman recipe for shrimp with sun-dried tomatoes and capers, served over linguini. I did it all in a skillet, subbed vermouth for the wine, and added some clam juice, butter, parsley, and a little cream cheese to take the briny edge off for the toddler palate. His had Parm over top as well.

No veg, because all we have are peas, corn, and beets - more carbs. The squirrels went nuts on our garden chard and kale.


Tonight I enjoyed Chicken Tikka Masala ordered from my Chef friend.


That’s very nice to celebrate together! Happy birthdays indeed!


Butter chicken with rice, peas, and spinach.


Thank you Naf.

All our best regards during these highly challenging and turbulent times we are all facing worldwide.

Thanks @shrinkrap! Workin’ the highlight stick. :wink:

I’d love to see a photo of your Principe Borghese.

I got these at the end of October. The farmer called them “roasting tomatoes… kinda like romas” . Okay? I didn’t expect too much… until we ate them! :tomato: :two_hearts: If I had known I would’ve bought all of ‘em. He sure was modest. One of the best tomatoes I’ve ever had - late summer sweet, a little acidity, firm, but juicy. Maybe similar but not like any roma I’ve had.

When I went back they were gone, but he had this roasted mix including some of the “like romas”. More yum! I thought of the Hungry Onions with your tomato roasting and freezing!