What's for Dinner #29 - 01/2018 - New Year 2018 Edition

Last night was Thomas Keller’s fried chicken. The chicken brined overnight, and was served with 1970’s potato salad, my daughter-in-law’s favorite - rather overcooked potatoes tossed in bottled Italian dressing while warm, and then Hellmann’s, celery and onion. A guilty pleasure. We also had cole slaw and braised roasted garlic kale that my son impulsively decided to toss with peanuts for crunch. Unusual, probably not something I’d do again, but tasty.

The past couple of times that I’ve made Keller’s chicken, I’ve pan-fried instead of deep-fried. I have a difficult time not over-browning the chicken when deep-frying, even when I lower the temp. Pan-frying seems a little more forgiving, although I still managed to over-brown a couple of pieces. It was quite good, though.

Sorry for the lousy pictures.


Delicious chicken. The photos are fine.

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Wishing I had delicious chicken today, or anything posted above. It’s raining non stop and cold, I couldn’t go to the market or even the shop. All my cooking plans have been postponed. Fortunately, there are 2 salmon steaks in the fridge and that’s dinner today.

Do you use regular Cento tins of anchovies?

I just used some jarred anchovies in oil that I had in the fridge, Talatta brand.

Steamed salmon, stir-fried chard, boiled buckwheat alongside (not shown). Moroccan preserved lemon provided the salt/seasoning. (Photo taken without flash today. Grainy but I like it better than with flash.)


I like all kinds of food but at the end of the day I still like the simplest things the most. This is a typical northern European meal in the dead of winter. Just enough to sustain you until the light of spring returns.


Love choucroute!

Dinner was decided non-footbally, but I had to make it as I was supposed to cook it Friday night. There really hasn’t been any time or any inclination to cook due to Finnegan’s health issues. Too long to go into - but he and I were at the emergency 24 hour vet hospital from 10pm to 1:30am on Friday night, went back at about 1pm on Saturday, and he’s been there since. Not sure yet what the issue is - could be a blockage, could be a chronic irritable bowel disease, could be lymphoma. He’s having an aspiration tonight of the wall of the colon; will know what they find tomorrow after the pathologist reviews the aspiration. Let’s just say it hasn’t been a good weekend for my orange Finny-Finn. Momma hasn’t enjoyed it much either.

Marinated two chicken thighs in a combo of olive oil, lemon juice, minced fresh thyme, honey mustard, S/P, and Aleppo pepper. Roasted in a hot oven.

Sides were roasted baby potatoes tossed in olive oil, s/p, garlic powder, and Herbs de Provence, and steamed green beans. There was most definitely wine.

And yet again, an upside-down picture @hungryonion @naf
NB: Image edited by mod


Not the weekend I would wish for Finn or you. I am so sorry… Good thoughts.


LOL- I LIVE for salad. Love it. I saw the most disgraceful looking field cucumbers on display at one of the grocery stores. You couldn’t pay me to take them.

Back from vacay and finally to a kitchen where I can cook! I actually get tired of eating out…

Tonight’s dinner was Buffalo Chicken Quinoa casserole. The recipe had the potential to be either really good or really bad. So far it has got the thumbs up. Husband had declared himself back on low carb (I know Quinoa is not low carb but we’re easing back into it). He ate his weight’s worth in tacos while away. I stuck to seafood and salads.

Made some of the Life changing crackers today. I also picked up some amazing aged balsamic vinegar. I was inspired by a salad I had on vacation- came home and made the same thing with a shitty balsamic and, blech!


I always watch a vet programme at the gym. Will be thinking of your Finn when I watch the programme today.

@Salsailsa, welcome back. I don’t like eating out every day either. I want to go home after a week.

@Sunshine842, there’s supposed to be a lot more meat in Choucroute but we are not big eaters. I already have an idea what to make with the leftover half ring of smoked sausage.


@LindaWhit Sorry about Finn, fingers crossed for him.

Raining non stop the whole weekend. I have tried to make brioche twice since Friday, the dough didn’t raised. I have made this recipe a few times years ago, never had any problem. Might be problem with the dried yeast I used, another conspiracy might be the raisin I added. I will try making the third dough today if I have time, recipe here.

The failed brioche

WFD, I made @Ttrockwood’s mother’s version of potato and leek soup. Actually like the way his mom used minimal words to describe all the essential, very efficient! I made 2 versions, one as on the recipe card + white wine and brown butter, the second pot with the same based but I added the leftover butternut. Both were good, but have a preference over the classic with just potato and leek. Been eating this for days.

Saturday night out when the rain stopped for a few hours for a bowl of ramen pork based broth + miso and with black garlic sauce + chashu. Not bad, except the egg was obviously too cooked. The sake was Yuzu favoured.


Well your failed brioche is certainly beautiful! I hope the third time is a charm for you and it works.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the potato leek soup :hugs: sometimes a simple soup is just exactly the right thing…

It was dry and hard, like aged bread, have to eat dipping in tea or chocolate.

The only good thing was the Patriots’ win of the AFC Championship. On to Minnesota!

Brioche conspiracies! A food mystery novel. I like it. :grin:

PS…I find Cento OK…or for that matter Seasons…

You can never tell, I was suspecting the chemical sprayed on raisin has inactivated the yeast.

My second try below: when I saw the dough was not raising with 2 times of dry bread yeast added, out of desperation I put a second type of dry cake yeast. The brioche turned out better than the first, but the yeast overdosed only raised what should have been normal. Still in search of the guilty…