Roasted tomatoes! How to make, store, and use.

Actually skinning roasted cherry tomatoes is easier than skinning larger ones with this method. Halve and place skin side up on a jelly roll pan. Blacken under a broiler. Pull the pan out and top with a pan of the same size. Remove the top after a few minutes and the skins pluck off whole.

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Death of a thousand paper cuts, though.

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How so? Put the tomatoes on a plate and put an upside down plate over it. Cut between the plates.

Plucking skins off roasted cherry tomatoes? Unless (or even) if you’re roasting just enough for yourself, it’s annoying as heck. I grew a LOT of cherry tomatoes a couple of years ago.

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They were soooooooo good! Making them again, and not sharing.

At one hour


Well, that is interesting. I was wondering when you made them whether you felt it was worth the effort. I guess you do.

I’m sitting here staring at about 7 lbs. of grape tomatoes, mulling over what do with them (I’m maxed out on sauce and roasted, so those are not an option).


(post deleted by author)

I did skin them; I used this recipe. (I didn’t “core” them.)

They are intense, and each one goes a long way toward adding all I need to say, a bland-ish piece of salmon, or a scoop of egg salad.


I just put a smallish tray of 1/4 black cherry and 3/4 mystery heirloom red cherry into the oven at 225 (Smitten recipe.) First time doing this.

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Roasted plum tomatoes

And “tomato raisins” again. The tomatoes are a little larger than cherries.

:open_mouth: apparently this isn’t my first rodeo! I thought I’d tried something like this before.

I’m also taking a stab at drying tomato skins for powder. Anyone tried that?

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Roasting some of the FM bounty for dinner tonight… season’s nearing its end :frowning_face: