Lunch 2020

At first I thought it was natto. But that’s a huge amount.

I like natto and can eat a big portion (in Japan it’s sold in big styrofoam containers, pretty sure you have seen them).

Pulses are big in my household of 2.

Instant laksa jazzed up with some frozen mixed seafood, a scallion, and a hard boiled egg. Pretty good for instant noodles.


No homemade snack thread, so I’m posting these here.
FP…Cashew, lemon zest and juice, ginger root balls coated in finely shredded coconut. Also added flaxseed oil, vanilla extract, and lemon powder in the coconut coating. Chilling for later.


Not a normal lunch at all but these are strange times indeed. There were banana going past ripe and we have quite a lot of eggs. So banana pancakes with cocoa nibs and walnuts. Sliced bananas and some Zambian jungle honey that I got for my birthday. A bit heavy as I only had plain rather self raising flour. I added a bit of extra baking powder but it didn’t help that much. Still they tasted good. Had it with banana and peanut butter milkshake.


Late breakfast/early lunch today: BF made cheesey hash brown pancakes with garlic and onion, and sunnyside up eggs.


I would heavily participate in such a thread if you want to start one @Rooster!

We’ve had 5 rounds of date balls so far…


Cool beans!


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Another fritt5.

How many times can I eat this? Its getting real.


Boootyful! Shrinky!

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Made pancakes 4 times in 3 weeks. Usually once every fortnight. These have poppy seeds.


Biked to the woods near my house, parked the bikes and went walking for a couple of hours. It was on a weekday and hardly anyone in the woods (but it’s often busy at weekends).

The only colour photo from this series.






Ran out of poppy seeds so I used chia seeds. Also ran out of milk, replaced with kefir.


Forest walk photos continued:

Walking path indicator

A patch of sunlight

On a fallen tree

Shallow trough



SV rhubarb and matjes herring

This mushroom has been on the tree for at least a year now.



I think this sign means horse riders also use the same path.

Fallen tree from last year’s tornado. Over 1000 trees in my municipality and the big city nearby fell down.



I get so much enjoyment from your photography. Thank you.

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Lunch today was mashed avocado on toast topped with tomatoes roasted with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Followed with a second piece of toast with the MIL’s homemade blackcurrant jam and a cup of tea. Tea and toast is very simple but is one of my favourite things, never fails to hit the spot.


Now I’m hungry!

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Nice pictures! What is Miel de Romero?

Rosemary (google translates from Spanish site). Honeys are one of the most popular products in mountainous regions in Spain, Greece etc.

I got a few pots in Alajar and Aracena.

Honey in the background, middle right. Villagers’ roadside stalls selling homemade preserves and honeys in Greece, where I crossed the border from Albania.

Thanks, Rooster!
(“Old Boy”, owner of my garden.)


Thank you! I found it. BTW, my DIL from Turkey’s name translates to Honey! Or so son says.

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Dan dan mian: