What's for Dinner #8 - 4/2016. The April Flowers Edition

love papas arrugadas!

i’ve been out two eat 4 of my last 6 meals, and they were all good! featuring lobster rolls, rib eye with chimichurri, sweetbreads, pastrami-cured beets, and lots of pork (porchetta, pork belly, and tonight’s dinner), as well as a ton of booze. I was in need of a (slightly) lighter dinner.

so of course i made pork. this morning i marinated strips of pork shoulder blade steak in a paste of oil, minced lemongrass, garlic, green onion, dried chilies, fish sauce, brown sugar, a touch of soy, and a keffir lime leaf. made a big-ass salad of almost all the veggies we had in the fridge: two kinds of cabbage, jalapeno, two kinds of endive, romaine, scallions, red onions, chives, carrots, basil and cilantro, with a spicy nuoc cham (chili flakes/jalapenos), and a little jasmine rice. pork was quickly seared and went over the salad. fabulous, i must say.

i took the other pork steak and made carnitas, thusly: boiled with water, lard, a half orange, half lime, 1/4 of an onion & garlic, sliced, oregano, chili flakes (out of fresh peppers at the time), a little brown sugar, and a bay leaf. that simmered until the water was gone, and fruit and bay leaf were discarded. i shredded the pork and it now sits in the fridge for dinner one night this week. it’ll be browned and crisped up under the broiler, then turned into carnitas taco. i wonder if i can talk the BF into having pork yet again tomorrow…


Pork chops - browned in the pan, finished in the oven with a final glaze of HP’s BBQ sauce. Sweet potato wedges (also oven) and a tin of sweetcorn. Très Transatlantique.

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Meeting my gal pals at the CBDTR for martinis and, in my case at least, salmon cheek.

Perfect way to start off the week.

This sounds so delish I had to search.

Except for using breasts, is this pretty much the recipe? And that’s succulent photo :slight_smile:

You’d get absolutely sick to death of them if, like me, you went to Tenerife for three weeks every year. Almost every sodding meal - papas arrugados!

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Nope, that’s not it, although that sounds just as good. Mine was simply fresh orange juice that I had squozen awhile back and frozen, then thawed (maybe between 1/4 cup and 1/2 cup for the two chicken thighs?), about 1 Tbsp. of sherry vinegar (I used the Jerez I had in my cupboard), about 1 Tbsp. of dried orange zest (I always zest the fresh oranges I juice and dry out the zest for later use), and about 1 Tbsp. of melted butter. Oh - and maybe 1 tsp. of dried thyme leaves as well. Put that all into a jar and shook it really well to blend.

The juice mixture actually cooks down a bit in the roasting pan, so the flavor intensifies a little bit. The only fault I found was that I didn’t season the chicken breasts well enough with salt and pepper - but that’s my bad, not the recipe’s. And the recipe doesn’t call for increasing the cooking temp from 350° to 450° - I did that on my own to get some semi-crispy skin. It puffed up nicely, and gave a bit of a crisp, but it was still a bit flabby under that crisp. Since this juice mixture is spooned over top of the chicken thighs, I’m not sure that searing the thighs skin-side down would help either, as the basting will take away some of the crispyness.

Either way - I enjoyed it -and the other thigh is WFL in just a few minutes. :slight_smile:

So… there actually is something like ‘too much of a good thing’? '-D

Thanks, El, for elaborating.

I really do like “Eat” for the way he’s returned to just giving ideas for a meal, rather than a formal recipe, as with this orange & vinegar one. It’s a throwback to his “Real, Fast…” years.

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Whereas I’m a recipe follower. Probably why I’m generally pleased with the outcome of my cooking!

You obviously have the skill to read a recipe and see that it’s going to work and be something you’ll enjoy. Unfortunately, I’m just not that good a cook which is why, when I try a new recipe, I rarely want to repeat it. My dishes are often just disappointing. Not inedible, just disappointing.

This should probably be its own topic but I find that, over time, certain cookbook authors or websites are dependable. For instance, I recently cooked a Jamie Oliver recipe that really disappointed. To my knowledge, I’d not cook from his recipes before and won’t be inclined to again. And with CH and now HO, there were/are certain posters who I follow.

i’d like to try getting sick of them…


Agree about Oliver. We have most of his books but they’re generally very disappointing. Even worse is Nigella Lawson - when we did our major cookbook cull, I think we only kept one of them.

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I’ve been too busy to properly grocery shop, so I’ve been piecing meals together with whatever I can dig out of the freezer. Yesterday I was too lazy to even do that, so we had scrambled eggs for dinner, but tonight will be a steak of some kind (skirt, I think) with cauliflower soup. Maybe a green sauce to use up some herbs I have lying around, if I get motivated.

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Maybe that should be The Edelweiss Edition, as in “blossom of snow”…:disappointed:
I have a pot of split pea soup in the works, with the end of the TJ’s Easter ham for the stock.

First home cooked meal post vacation so I decided to make a favorite of the masses (although half/one of the masses likes chicken and the other likes shrimp). So we have chicken & shrimp prepared individually sans the linguine for me in a creamy scampi sauce.


Ain’t Wednesday.
Don’t care.
Sketti & Sauce. Crusty roll with butter. Wine.



Same as last night . Except for potato . Leftovers .