What's for Dinner #8 - 4/2016. The April Flowers Edition

Just realized that the new thread wasn’t started this morning - so here it is.

Long day - several plumbing issues to deal with, then to work to spend the afternoon and into the early evening doing month-end billing. Lucky me.

So easy dinner tonight - lamb burger, sprinkled with za’atar and salt and pepper, and pan-fried. Caramelized onions and feta cheese, a leaf of lettuce on a toasted potato roll, and t’was dinner.

Oh yes - the side dishes were potato chips and a glass of wine. The lettuce and onions shall suffice as vegetables for the night.

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Leftover lamb shank got roughed chopped and added to orzo pasta with tomatoes, onion, garlic and herbs with grated Parm at the end.


We’re hosting a few friends tonight for a long overdue dinner party. My man is making the NYT leg o’lamb recipe with rosemary, anchovies and garlic; I’ll roast some peewee taters on the side (likely just tossed with olive oil & sea salt), and steam French green beans to be tossed with lemon butter. I believe one of our guests might be bringing dessert, as we’re not really dessert people.

Thankfully, I should be able to chew on one side. I’ll also toss the “no booze for 14 days” rule into the garbage where it belongs. It’s a dinner party after all.

Happy April Fool’s Day, HOs!


WFD Fickle Friday:
~ Chicken in a Watermelon.
~ Banachos.
~ Cherry Cola-Chocolate-Mayonnaise-Sauerkraut Cake.
~ Corsetiere’s Despair


Mmmmm, that chicken in a watermelon sounds fantastic, Gio!

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Happy April Fool’s Day to you too! This is also our anniversary (the 28th).


Long day - several plumbing issues to deal with, then to work to spend the afternoon and into the early evening doing month-end billing. Lucky me.

So easy dinner tonight - lamb burger, sprinkled with za’atar and salt and pepper, and pan-fried. Caramelized onions and feta cheese, a leaf of lettuce on a toasted potato roll, and t’was dinner.

Oh yes - the side dishes were potato chips and a glass of wine. The lettuce and onions shall suffice as vegetables for the night.


Leftovers uhg.

Plans for tomorrow. Lamb ribs seasoned and in the fridge. Zaatar and a curry blend of seasoning


Try these one of these days. So insanely good.


Thanks! Does sound insanely good. I have another pack in the freezer. Stay tuned

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I can’t find where I wrote it. Probably on Andrea’s blog. But the first time I made them I didn’t have lamb ribs so used pork baby back IIRC and they were outstanding also. Tuned in :slight_smile:

Take out pizza, salad, and wine. Not much to report for the rest of the week. Too busy to do any real cooking. I’m just happy that there will be no work this weekend!


I really like knowing that y’all don’t cook every damn dinner :slight_smile:

Well I expected pop up tacos from my local brewery . Not tonight . What ? A bottle of red. Sandwich in the pan . Swiss cheese , leftover salmon , between two slices of sliced bakery bread , Into the pan with butter . Flipped until cheese is melty and the bread golden toasty . Happy Friday .


I’ve been away at a conference overnight and just got back (approx 18.30 UK time). Mrs H has dinner well under control. Beef is being braised with onions and mushrooms in a red wine/stock mix. Alongside, baked potato & steamed purple sprouting brocolli. I’ve declined a starter in favour of dessert - a ginger & rhubarb pudding (recipe in today’s Guardian, apparently). It’ll need custard.


FINALLY ! Live crab is available at our harbor . Got one a little over two pounds . Going to toss in the steamer . Crusty bread from the local bakery . Romaine salad . And also have a handful of morels to sauté . It’s a good day to pound some beers .


So are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. :wink:


I only drink beer twice a week. On weekdays and at weekends.


Two pounds is a great size! Many decades ago after moving to SF, I returned to Atlanta for a visit. I told my brother not to plan dinner as I was bringing it. Driving from the airport I told them that I’d brought three DCs. My SIL, originally from Savannah, didn’t say anything but later confessed to thinking “WTH can ya do with only three crabs?” Surprised when I opened the box :slight_smile:


Lamb ribs. Fatty as hell but the meat was tasty