What's For Dinner #60 - The Hot August Nights Edition - August 2020

Yummy, nothing can replace homemade stock.

What is this?


Bold move. :joy: Never fear, I’ll throw myself in front of any unwanted fresh tomatoes for you.

Funny story: I know someone who’s a farmer that does not enjoy tomatoes. Zero appeal for her. And we’ve eaten countless pounds of scrumptious tomatoes from that farm over the years.


I used some Chinese dried chiles steeped in hot water, only used about 10 though, it wasn’t super spicy.

Oh that is the frozen shrimp stock that I had accumulated. I think in the future I will just store the shells and heads in the freezer as they take up a bit less space.


:::Snickering::: That acronym really is so useful, isn’t it? Thanks, @mariacarmen ! :grin:


Much appreciated. BUT. I’m a Jersey Girl and have actually tried them many times. In (organic!) gardens right off the vine in August, no less. It’s definitely a texture thing for me, as are most of the (few) food dislikes that I have. If they’re chopped really small in a salad I won’t pick them out, but I just can’t seem to like a chunk or slice. Trust me–it’s as sad to me as it is to everyone else! One of my dearest friends was a housemate in college and she STILL eats bowls of chopped tomatoes for dinner in summer. Sigh…


OOOH. I do love ROASTED and sun-dried tomatoes, so I’m willing to try! Waiting (and WAITING, don’t get me started) for my next Misfits box to arrive and will give that a try, as I’m guessing there will be tomatoes. Thx!


No one has to like everything. I’m a firm believer. It’s just that you sounded wistful. Gazpacho and pan con tomate are raw tomato uses that mask its normal texture…


A somewhat regular (maybe 1x month?) college dinner for me was micro popcorn and a diet coke. You do what you gotta do sometimes!


Some of us have things that just don’t interest us. That’s different than a dislike. I’m known in many quarters as the person who can safely guard the chocolate. No interest at all. Same with scallops, which my wife really likes. For years she tried to share them with me until I pointed out that they really were wasted on me and if I didn’t eat them there were more for her. grin Eggplant on the other hand I really dislike.


Oooo la la! Now I’m wondering about the origin of that expression.

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A professional colleague of mine has a Filipino wife. She’s a lovely person. Can’t cook at all. My friend is a very good cook and over the years has acquired and curated a number of Filipino dishes. One, chicken adobo, will be our dinner tomorrow night. I made the marinade this afternoon so I can put the chicken in tomorrow morning without rattling around in the kitchen and waking my bride. If I don’t get it going in the morning when I wake up I’ll get engaged in work and lose track of time.


Another funny story: I have always loved and been obsessed with fresh tomatoes. We finally broke down one year and bought tickets to the Carmel tomato-fest that they used to have (still?) each September with a million tomato tastings, local chefs making dishes featuring tomatoes. Got them well in advance ($75/pp), hotel reservations, etc. I get pregnant. My biggest revulsion during month 3-4 (which is tomato-fest time) is tomatoes. Wouldn’t it figure?


My kid was reading over my shoulder yesterday and asked what the acronym stood for. I pretended I didn’t know. :slight_smile:


Where do you go in theh 13th for Vietnamese?

That will only work for so long!

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Oh, I don’t know. I’m not sure the acronym is particularly known outside our little group.



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it is VERY adaptable!

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I wanted to ask the same thing. But then I figured, when will I be able to get to Paris again?