What's For Dinner #60 - The Hot August Nights Edition - August 2020

If he can’t be broadcast singing “Sweet Caroline” at Fenway during the middle of the 8th inning, might as well have a Neil Diamond reference on WFD. :grinning:

It’s hot. :hot_face:
Because August.

Are ya grilling?
Are you keeping cool?
Are you taking advantage of the farmers markets with their summer bounty?

What’s on your tables, picnic or otherwise?

(And sorry I didn’t start this thread yesterday!)


Last night I used the grill for a pizza of CSA cherry tomatoes, fresh corn kernels, jalapeño slices, diced prosciutto, and fresh mozzarella. First time experimenting with this combo, and the ingredients played like an ode to summer.


We chilled out on the patio with the dog during cooking and dinner. One fine evening.


Just home from a trip. No pictures. Dinner plans are homemade, home canned pasta sauce (beef and sausage combo) with rigatoni and some kind of as yet undefined salad. I have 20 minutes to start cooking. grin

Have a prep day for Isaias tomorrow so mostly thinking about easy dinner and early to bed for a long day tomorrow.


Today was Fryyay at the Paryzer residence :yum: Mrs. P deep fried some soft shell crab and shishito peppers, and roasted some mini peppers and home grown spicy Cajun bell peppers. We also had some TJ’s sweet potato fries. She made a caper, fresh herb, and vermouth sauce. She made some guacamole and chips to start. It all went great with a red blend aged in rum barrels. We have plenty of leftovers for tomorrow.


Quiet day.
A slightly rainy Sunday.

I’m glad I went for a typical family Sunday dinner: roasted chicken, Herbs de Provence roasted baby potatoes, and sauteed sugar snap peas, fresh corn stripped from the cob, and diced red bell pepper with Penzeys’ Mural of Flavor seasoning blend.

Wine. And back to the grind tomorrow.


Today I bought lobsters halves which means they weigh about 1.5lbs each. Boiled them up, took the meat out, tossed it with a tiny bit of mayo and popped into fridge to chill. Top sliced hot dog rolls were toasted with butter in a cast iron pan on the stove. Put lobster meat into the roll and called it dinner.
We’re in the soft shell lobster season. While I much, much prefer hard shells if the price is low enough I’ll settle for soft shells. Price is low enough.
I’m happy to support the local lobstermen.


Have been travelling a little bit after being on lockdown from March 13th - May 31st.

Now we are on the southern coast of France …


Enjoying oysters by the seaside. Happiness. Have a wonderful time!

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I’m green with envy! Looks beautiful! Enjoy your holiday.

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Crab cakes yesterday with a corn medley


Thank you @Barca! Stunning meals and gorgeous scenery in the South of France for you as well! Those are beautiful plump clams in your pasta dish, and that beef tartare looks exquisite!

Enjoy your travels and the rest of your weekend!


The corn is finally spectacular here. Those cakes look really good!


Stunning views! If only…:wink:

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The Mediterranean Coast of southern France is a true jewel.

Thank you and have a wonderful August.


Yes, southern France has a truly a beautiful coastline.

Best wishes during these challenging times.


So jealous.

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Began my day learning that both my PayPal and email account were hacked. Someone charged a rather large sum of money to my PayPal, which I never use, and since it was empty, automatically withdrew from my bank account. I spent the literal first waking moments of my day on the phone with the bank and then PayPal, trying to rectify the situation. It appears they have fixed it, and the charges will be wiped within 24 hours. Was late to work. Mega stressed all day.

I don’t know what I’m eating tonight, but I know what I’m drinking! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Change your passwords (pretty obvious), and maybe start using a VPN.


Yes, everything changed. Bank froze my account and sending me a new card, etc. As soon as PayPal fixes this, I think I am going to delete them. I used to be a big Ebayer but have not done much in a few years. Kept it around for the hell of it, but with Venmo et al now, there’s not much of a point.


That stinks. I’m sorry you had to spend your time straightening it out today.