What's For Dinner #57: The Keep On Keepin' On Edition - May 2020

Haluski showed up a lot on Chowhound, and also still does on a FB food group I belong to. Glad I learned about it! I read that haluski are actually the dumplings you speak of, but it has evolved to name the whole dish.


Both the haluski and kimchee to be look fab. Bookmarked to try the haluski, never heard of it, but sounds like a perfect pantry meal during covid QT! We try to always have cabbage on hand - want to make kimchee too. Thanks for posting.

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Last night - grilled chicken thighs rubbed with Penzey’s Galena St seasoning, and glazed with 1/2 Kinders BBQ sauce and 1/2 unidentified spicy fruity chutney I made. Was really good & got rid of 2 bottles in the fridge. Scalloped potatoes, bread and leftover slaw. We’ve got to stop eating like this…carbs DO help me sleep better. Excuses, excuses :joy_cat:


Thank you. Whether it was him or someone who runs his page and there’s a slight chance he saw it, I totally melted.


Scallops, asparagus, farro. Not pictured cucumber salad. Tasty but damn if I’m not sick of my own cooking by now.


Dinners have been very simple

A boned out and rolled turkey thigh off the smoker


I follow David Lebowitz on FB and was thrilled to get a comment from him, as well!!


I’m damn sick of cleaning my kitchen by now. DH and I are both getting very grumpy with each other. We’re hiding wine from each other. At least I don’t have to home school my five brothers and feed them -they were a very long time ago. My mother was a wreck.


The little things that keep is going. Seriously.


OMG you must try Smitten Kitchen’s recipe if you have farro left!


BF made tacos out of my leftover Thai-style chicken, and also used up some veg in the fridge - roasted peppers, cuke salad with shallots, and a curtido with the cabbage and carrots.


Pizza time! A misshapen pizza topped with green olives and mushrooms. Over-browned the cheese a bit.


I made Ted Allen’s pan roasted salmon with tomato-caper vinaigrette, subbing cilantro for the other herbs. It was delish. Served over minted pea puree with oven fries and creamy dilled cucumber salad. That’s right - the classic is back for another meal! :joy:


Our second time getting curbside pick up from Thomas Keller’s ad hoc .

Fried chicken, English peas, young onions and sweet corn, garden salad, and brownies. Well done!

I LOVE the salad instructions.
And the pigs are social distancing and wearing masks!


we are all grumpy with each other. in all directions. if wine deliveries somehow become available, call the authorities. someone will not survive. the situation is really difficult. our (DH and my) jobs are not possible to do without full time child care support and cleaning help. without access to both now, and the work demands busier than ever while trying to homeschool as well – t’s rough. really rough. I find some pleasure and respite (some days) in the cooking that i enjoy so much. but i’m really sick of having to do it. ALL. THE. TIME. and the cleaning, is never ending…

Sorry for the rant. I fully recognize that these are all totally first world problems. I am deeply and profoundly thankful each and every day for our health and the time with my immediate family as I see the grief and devastation caused by this awful virus all around, way too close for comfort. (NYC suburb, for reference). Schools closed for the rest of the year. fall opening date uncertain. some large offices have announced that they will not go back to “regular” operations this calendar year.

I applaud and pray for all of the front line workers that are sacrificing so much to keep us all safe.
and thanks to this community for being a bright light in a time that often seems very difficult and bleak.


Beautiful lighting and plating. Delicious.


You are not alone. It’s okay to feel this way! This is not normal. There are too many competing demands to do them all well without outside support. And in many cases, the domestic burden is following more on Mom.

This article really hit home for me and my friends: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/newsfeature/three-things-lockdowns-have-exposed-about-working-and-parenting/ar-BB13g0Hf?li=BBnb7Kz


Truth! I talk to friends weekly who are in different life situations. Everybody, across varied circumstances from fortunate to not, feels something.

I chuckle when I read or hear stories about folks who have lots of extra time these days. Clearly someone else in their house is sourcing all the food, cooking all the meals, cleaning all the things, giving all the haircuts (after learning how), and grooming the dog (same). Plus the mountain of other stuff that keeps home life going.

We see you! And I say it’s healthy to be real.


Read too many gloomy articles on this awful pandemic yesterday; had a hard time keeping positive, or mustering up the motivation to do much of anything. Being empty nesters, we don’t have the demands on our time or resources that many do. I well remember the days of a full time job, and raising two active and feisty children. There were periods of time they fought with each other constantly, at peak volume, every waking second, almost. I can’t imagine being QT’d with them, and having to educate them too. I empathize and applaud everyone who is doing so much more under difficult circumstances. Just getting along with one other person 24/7 can be hard too. Don’t be too hard on yourselves, take breaks when you can, and give yourself a well deserved pat on the back.

Oh, we had comfort food for dinner, again. Not photo worthy, a favorite soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.


None of this is normal. I think nearly everyone is struggling in some way. We are absolutely on the better side of this situation and it is still hard. We have some help from my in-laws a few hours a day so we can both concentrate and actually work at our very full, full time jobs. But you are right, the constant cooking, cleaning and togetherness is absolutely challenging. I try to stay focused on the positives (we do still have those very full jobs, we are all healthy, we have enough space to be able to storm away and close the door and we do have wine delivery!). Hang in there! We will eventually get through this!