What's for breakfast (aka what's going to happen exciting today)?

I cannot make a small batch of Hollandaise. So, what I do is save leftovers by freezing in ice cube trays and packaging the cubes in double zipper bags. When I need a tablespoon or two, I will slowly defrost and reheat in the microwave for a few seconds. If it breaks, I’ll let it cool a bit and whisk to bring it back.

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I make a small amount of Hollandaise with a few yolks frequently. In a small saucepan over low heat. I don’t like cleaning blenders or hand blenders. I use a wire whisk.

Here is a 3 yolk, double boiler recipe. https://www.eggs.ca/recipes/hollandaise-sauce

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I’ve always made mine in the double boiler. Hand whisking that liquid gold is so much more enjoyable than the blender method. Old school, but it works for me.

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First course: melted mozzarella and orange marmalade on the heel of a muesli bread loaf.
Second course: maple syrup on a slice of muesli bread
Third course: store-bought miniature angel food cake with maple syrup.

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Nachos, or carne asada nachos?
Either way, I’m a loooong way from that fun food, consarnit.

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Breakfast was this, and three piiman, the loanword in Japan for bell peppers/capsicum.

Carne asada nachos. Once you’ve had the beef, can’t go back to “just” nachos.

I can’t really have fun food either, but then I feel like, who cares.

I’m going to die anyway, might as well die happy.


Roasted Hatch chile scramble with onion, pepper jack cheese, salsa and cilantro. Side of bacon.


Sunday’s breakfast was a sloppy green chile and jack cheese omelet, sour dough slice and a V-8 with a chive bolo. Hits the spot and full until dinner time.


@Sasha - I make a one-egg Hollandaise which is just enough for two people, using a double boiler (or glass dish over top of boiling water). Posted here on Hungry Onion. What's For Dinner #80 - the Silly Bunny with Eggs Edition - April 2022 - #147 by MidwesternerTT


Swiss chard, spinach, kale, mushroom, garlic, cilantro and eggs



That looks nice and what is under the cherry in the box, more yumness?

(post deleted by author)


Another zucc scramble with leftover ATK blueberry pan biscuits from the freezer. These biscuits hold up so well frozen, and are SO good toasted, they’re becoming my new favorite thing. The recipe makes for a ginormous biscuit, however. Where ATK calls for 9 servings, I’ve settled on 16. Shown here is one of the theirs, but two of mine (which was one too many for me).


Gold Standard breakfast sandwich with bacon. So delicious.


Chocolate cherry tart and a Boston Creme donut

Blueberry apricot smoothie.


Avocado, onion, bacon omelette. Salsa and sour cream.


Woke up emotional. This is my attempt to get back on the right track. Old cheddar, tomato, bacon, egg, mayo and Basil breakfast sandwich.