What's Cooking? (New Jersey)

Soul Kitchen is featured on CBS This Morning right now. Bon Jovi may be opening up another location for his brilliant idea.


Correction-It’s Sunday Morning, not This Morning.

I am up for a second HoDown at the new location!

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Did you ever have to cook a Thanksgiving feast for 30 people when your stomach was upset?

I can’t believe I made it through the night.

UUUUUGH. Hope you’re feeling better soon so you can enjoy the leftovers!

We had an unconventional Thanksgiving. Details and pictures in the link below.


I did too… INDIAN FOOD! Goat Rohan Josh.
We’re having TDay tomorrow :grin:

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That sounds awesome! A friend invited us to Thanksgiving dinner tonight. He is a chef and likes to make fried turkey. I’ve never tried fried turkey and am hoping he has some tonight.


Have a lovely holiday weekend.

We do not eat “Feathered game” or “poultry” however, we were invited by a Publisher friend to a restaurant which was serving a Thanksgiving with a selection for vegetarians, traditional Thanksgiving full lunch, vegan offerings and their regular Spanish Menu of the day.

It was very lovely. Had the catch of the day which was a stunner baked fish, traditional style – a wild rock fish called Urta Roteña, and in English, A Red Banded Rock Bream.

Was amazingly extraordinary on a bed of Galician Cachuelas, a very creamy Ivory colored potato with strips of roasted red peppers, Evoo, White Wine, a tiny bit of garlic, fresh parsley and fresh basil, and fresh time, lemon, leek and red ripe tomatoes.

All our best to those celebrating Thanksgiving ( We call it Dia de Gracias).


I fried three turkeys yesterday, excellent stuff


Where was this?? Sounds delicious

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Today is leftovers day! Started off with a sausage stuffing frittata and fried tomatoes. Tonight will be a turkey sandwich.


That sounds great. I have still yet to have a fried turkey. My friend made a turducken instead, which is a first for me as well. It was very moist.

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Born and raised in Barcelona.

When I first moved here from New Orleans in 2006, it was right before Thanksgiving and my now wife and I were hosting Today dinner for her family.
I did a turducken, but we also had to do a regular turkey.
My family doesn’t have mashed potatoes with a meal, it’s always rice, so when I put the rice on the table my future father in law asked what the rice was for, lol. We did have mashed potatoes as well, a few people tried the turducken but I had leftovers for days.
No one but me touched my grandmother’s oyster dressing.

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Mrs. P is also from New Orleans. She made a delicious version of Mr. B’s BBQ creole shrimp for Thanksgiving.

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Mrs. P made smoked salmon penne :yum:


Well, I certainly would have eaten your grandmother’s oyster dressing in a heartbeat. That brought back delicious memories. What’s wrong with people anyways.:slightly_smiling_face:

While I rarely comment or contribute to the “what’s cooking” boards I do lurk and I know your wife has some chops when it comes to cooking, but holy cow does this look fantastic. Funny thing with salmon and me, I love it raw lox, sushi etc. but cooked I can’t stand it. This though just looks f’n delicious I would have to give it a try, let me ask you I see red onion but is there prosciutto in this too? Hat tip to Mrs P. !!!

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Thanks @NotJrvedivici! I am honored :slightly_smiling_face:
Mrs. P does not usually like salmon unless it is smoked. We love the smoked Faroe Islands salmon from Sams’ Butcher shop (link below). He brine cures the salmon and hot smokes it with cherry wood. It has a great smoky smell and flavor but it is not overpowering.
Mrs. P adds sauteed red onions, capers, olives, fresh garlic, olive oil, fresh parsley (and or fresh basil), and some leftover pasta water. We top it off with fresh shaved parmigiano reggiano. There is no prosciutto added. I guess you can add it but the smoked salmon is enough I think.
The smoked salmon also goes great on a bagel with cream cheese.