Smoked Cocktails! Wok Hei! Crème Brûlée! Why I Love My Butane Torch

I guess this is an updated version of a previous article on SE from 2020.

I have a butane torch back home and rarely use it. The only purpose (I’m not kidding) I got it for was to torch salmon for nigiri. I don’t make crème brûlée, but adding a little wok hei to my lame attempts at stir-frying at home would be swell.

What do you use yours for, if you own one?

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I use my torch for plumbing, starting fires, heating stamps for branding, loosening rusted connections, and a lot of other things in the shop and kitchen. The Bernzamatic 8000 is the way to go, I think.

In the kitchen or at the barbecue, it’s fitted with the Searzall v1.0. I used this combination last night to melt prov onto my cheese steak. I can’t say enough good about the Searzall.

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I wanted a Searzall but bought this little butane torch and don’t use it for anything.

A rather pompous *former *member of my Fb WFD group used to praise the Searzall for many uses. I just looked it up — wasn’t aware that it’s an attachment.

What else do you use it for, besides melting cheese?

I have a little kitchen torch (btw the Iwatani one lie you have that attaches to the canister is supposedly the best in show) and I use it for all the stuff a Searzall is supposed to be measurably better for. I will note that I don’t prepare huge cuts of meat - so I use the little torch to help out with the sear when I do reverse sear. I don’t taste butane …. But it’s entirely possible some do.

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Personally, I use it mostly for finishing or even-ing the browning or searing of meats. But also for pie crusts, crumb toppings, brulees, etc. Basically for anything that calls for a salamander on a small/spot scale.

Yes, Searzall is but an attachment–you must also have/buy a torch head. If you want one, learn from my mistake: Don’t scrimp on the torch head. I bought the Bernzamatic 4000, and the results weren’t stellar. Searzall was specifically designed to run with the higher-output 8000, which I now have.

If you’re tempted, there are other things Searzall to follow and be aware of, too. Happy to share…


Pretty sure that’s why I just had to have it! :blush:

ETA I still have about three cannisters of the fuel, in the wrapper, apparently since 2015! I need to try to find a use for it, if it’s still safe.

Yes, definitely, for compactness and a more pinpoint flame for culinary use. But IME, the pinpoint flame is hard to control for even browning, and if you linger a nanosecond too long in one spot, it burns. If there’s a flame spreader attachment, this model would compete well with the Searzall rig.

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I know! Roasting peppers! I have a stove top thingy, but this would be perfect for the curvey bits.

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