Lunch 2021

Sounds like a lovely trip!

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Never long enough time to do everything. We were so happy to get away.


Lovely meals and a well deserved getaway. The high ceiling restaurants look like they are part of a hotel. Very nice.

Eat and see more of Iceland if you have more time, next time.
Some ideas for you (watch in full screen mode).

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Thanks for Turkey travel guide suggestions. I’ve looked at them all. For some reason there are very few in-depth guides as Turkey is a popular destination. 9 our of 10 guides are for Istanbul. I would go there last, though. I have other places in Turkey to see first.

I shall wait till next year to see if Rough Guide to Turkey is updated. Besides, I have travel plans for up to October next year.

Intend to in an early season. Thanks for the link!

Have a lovely and safe trip …

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@Barca, we returned as the rooster crows this morning. :yawning_face: tyou.

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The beetroot eggs remind me of the red dyed eggs given out to friends and family when a child hits the one month mark in Chinese celebrations.


Interesting custom. I wasn’t familiar.

Yes, this is where we stayed in Paris.
The currency threw me a bit in Iceland.

My inlaws are in Erigli. Son and DIL have been all over. I’ll see if I can remember their favorites. Pretty sure Izmir , Trazbon, and Antalya were among them.

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In Penang, Malaysia, where I am - the majority of the populace are Hokkiens (Fujianese-Chinese), and a new baby reaching one-month-old would be celebrated by distributing foodstuff like nasi kunyit (yellow-tinged glutinous rice) with chicken curry, ang ku kueh (steamed red-hued rice cakes) and red-dyed hard-boiled eggs to relatives and friends.

Some bakery chains, like Eaton, even prepares standard gift packs which one can order for such occasions:


Very interesting. This is the new thing I learned today. :pray:

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Khao kha moo again from the freezer, with pickled mustard greens, chili garlic vinegar sauce, hard boiled egg, and broccolini.


Lemon-garlic-herb-parm spinach linguini with toasted breadcrumbs.
Frozen Aperol cocktails.


Earthquakes happen all the time in Greece. We don’t hear about them unless there are (extensive) damages or loss of lives. This map only shows a fraction of earthquakes that occurred in Greece alone. Crete is particularly susceptible due to the subduction of the African plate under the Eurasian plate.

Someone already wrote about the earthquakes in Crete that I experienced. It was felt throughout Crete and as far as Santorini. A total of 2000 aftershocks were recorded. I don’t want to wake up several times in the night from earthquakes any more. It was down right scary.

Some yogurt back in Crete


Found Moroccan fried flatbread! Some local makes them at home and drops off a stack at a Turk supermarket. They keep the small stack by the cash register but it’s barely visible. I had not noticed this for the longest time. Someone in front of me paid for everything with only coins so I had to wait around a bit. The woman pointed at the fried flatbread and got 1 but I had no idea what they said (in another language). When it was my turn I asked if it was Moroccan fried flatbread the cashier confirmed it. I got 2. Not bad, but not as good as ones I ate in Morocco. So good there, obviously. Well, better than nothing. I watched how it’s made in Morocco. No way I could make it like that.

Moroccan-inspired breakfast for lunch.

With different things, almost like in Morocco. Almost.

Green drinks are melon juice and matcha tea

The fresh cheese is important in a Moroccan breakfast. This is the fresh cheese I bought for us as a supplement:

The shop

The shop

Just a typical breakfast in Morocco

Back in (food) hell I made buns with red kuri, Speck (smoked bacon), grated goat’s cheese and garlic. Took the photo shortly before going to bed.

Turkish mispel/medlars. They are still a bit hard. Can’t eat till the insides turn to mush.

Picked up 4 more kale and 3 red kuri after walking in the woods.

Farm is right on one side of the woods, with a walking path in between.

Asparagus patch is right next to the kale. This is what asparagus plants look like before they trip them all the way down when the farmers prepare the plants for next season. This farm grows asparagus, kale and pumpkins/squashes.


Yes, Moroccan cuisine, is amazingly wonderful.

I chuckled when I saw the “Churros” which are Spanish and surely wonderful to dip into hot chocolate on a chilly morning !

Moroccan fresh goat or sheep cheeses are quite awesome.

They sell them in Madrid at The Mosque Market and there are numerous Moroccan product vendors.

Looks fabulous and of course fantastic photographs too.

Have a lovely safe and lovely trip.


Awesome indeed! What is the yellow…mass at the gentlemans eye level in the 8 th picture labeled “cheese shop”? Is that some kind of butter?

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Terribly sad absolutely.

Glad that you and your dear one are okay.

I read several articles on seismatic activity in this region. I am well aware.

It is truly unfortunate as it is an extraordinary island (Crete).

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