Ideas for (fresh) figs

Food pron! You must post more photos!

My version of toasties has sliced fig inside.




Now that’s celebrating fig season!


Thanks, Rooster. (And I’m so sorry for your loss :pray:)

Thank you @Presunto. Your photos are a nice distraction.

Straight from the tree, warm from the sun. Also, Nancy made fig newtons almost following a recipe. She added 12 ounces of butter rather than 8. Sensational.


I don’t know the recipe, but I’m sure it’s good.

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From an Australian food mag:

Supposed to be a saucy paste like one on left. I like mine chunky and with scotch bonnet peppers, plus extra raw garlic. The partner prefers the other version because the figs are not visible.

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Sounds tasty, looks good, and lovely photos, as always.

That reminds me of something; maybe Fig Anchoïade? I’ve tried making that, but i seem to recall many recipes suggest dried figs, which had a jammier consistency.

Recipe calls for fresh figs (which I have plenty).

The version with fig jam sounds good, too.

Nice! Unfortunately I didn’t get many figs on my tree this year.

Do you still have a link to the recipe?

You deliver?

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Does this request mean you lots of figs this year? We finally have a bunch but probably too late in the season to ripen.

I’d hate to jinx it by saying “a lot”, but certainly more than the last two years, and certainly more appreciative. I am in the process of tying every one of them in a tiny mesh bag. I even ate this one that split overnight!

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I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Our brown Turkey froze to the ground in SNOVID came to Austin. It has grown back to about ten feet but no yield yet. I miss the savory fig tart with goat cheese, caramelized onions, and thyme on puff pastry, wonderful with grilled beef.

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How do you resist eating them right off the tree? I can’t.

I always gobble down the first ones!