Ideas for (fresh) figs

Usually I just eat them straight up. How does everyone eat theirs?

Gobble up!

Caramelised with Pedro Ximénez, balsamic vinegar and liquid smoke.

Quite nice with SV duck leg

With blue cheese and honey

With jamón



With cream and pure chocolate!




With something savoury (goat’s heart and liver in the photo)

You can freeze them (quarter first) and use later in baking or blended juice, ice cream etc.


I like them grilled with lamb. This is a recipe I have used. I use fig jam in place of apricot if I have it.


With goat cheese on toast
With pork loin
In greek yogurt
Def as is


Nice! Why haven’t I thought of grilling/bbq’ing them? Probably because by the time the figs arrive grilling weather is no more.

Just slice and eat fresh with pork loin?

I’ve eaten them with pan-fried liver when there wasn’t apple in the house.


sounds delicious. I roast the pork loin hot and fast and add sliced fresh figs the last 10-15 mins to the pan coating in the loin marinade.

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Ah, similar to caramelising them in one of my photos in the first post. Figs go well with both savoury and sweet. So versatile.

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Fig preserve (I prefer the Edna Lewis recipe for preserved figs), fig syrup, fig shrub.

O!d fashioned fig preserves

This years batched is being done more like this.

Fig syrup-Serious Eats

Fig shrub


Sour cream and balsamic
If I have a bumper crop I make chutney


This from the Bay Area Pizza thread-
A fig Pizza at the new place in Berkeley.
I’m intrigued by this. Sounds much better than pineapple :pineapple:

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We get those green figs here also. They come from Italy. The black ones come from Turkey.

It’s quite good. I make it the same way as Flammkuchen. Thin dough, thick cream or quark and sliced figs. You can try using pizza dough if you hate making it from scratch.


Do you know when fig season in Turkey ends?

Found it!


Every year I try to make a little spiced fig compote to either can or refrigerate to go with cheese platters. Always very well received.

As a stupid-easy dessert, halve figs. Place cut side down in buttered baking dish. Shower with sugar, brown or white. Bake at 300 for 20 minutes. Cover with blanket of heavy cream and bake for another 20 minutes. (Do this also with pears or apricots.)


That sounds great!

Do you have a picture of how this should look when done? Is it set-up, like something you could scoop on to a platter, or is it sort of liquid and needs to be served in the baking dish separately?

Are you talking about the baked figs? If so, it can be made in a pie plate kind of dish and served on small plates or made in individual fiireproof dishes. The cream melds with the fruit juices to form a kind of soft custardy sauce. I may have a picture at home. Will look.


This part;

One of these would probably work!

The low flan ones, exactly what I use. 3 fig halves or 1 pear half.

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I don’t often get past eating them raw as part of a fruity end to a mezze meal.

But, from time to time, I cut a deep cross in them, drizzle with honey and bake for a while. Only then needs a dollop of yoghurt and sprinkle of chopped almonds (or pistachios).

My favourite memory was from a few years back. We’d rented a villa in Mallorca and there were fig trees on the nearby land. These were the most perfectly ripe figs I’ve ever eaten. I have it mind that I wrote up a couple of meals there as WFD on Chowhound - I’ll try and find it to see what else we ate (probably piggy cooked on the BBQ!)


Reflecting on fig trees we have visited, I smile as I remember staying in a cottage in the Yonne, Burgundy. Outside our door, one on either side, were two enormous fig trees…in full fruit. The owner made no attempt to harvest the fruit, which did so on its own account, dropping with audible splots on the terrace. Such a waste, and such a hazzard! Oh, and, yes, there were wasps!


Ok, here’s a salad recipe adapted from Jamie Oliver; it has been put into my words and changed up a bit.

Allow at least one fig per person. On a serving platter, arrange some baby arugula - you don’t need a whole lot. Cut each fig in a crisscrossed manner but not all the way thru the fig. Pull them apart to expose the fruit. You should have 4 sections. Wind some prosciutto loosely around the platter and add some sliced buffalo mozzarella. You can sub regular fresh mozzarella if you wish. Scatter some fresh basil both green and Thai purple basil. Dress with a honey lemon vinaigrette.

Honey Lemon Dressing:

3 T lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1 T honey
1/2 sea salt*
Freshly ground pepper, to taste

Dissolve the honey and salt in the lemon juice
After a few minutes, add the olive oil and freshly ground pepper, whisking it in till combined.

Pour all over the salad, taking care to get some of the dressing in the opened figs too.

  • You will probably need more salt, so taste the dressing before using it and make adjustments if needed.
