Hanging out in Sacramento!

And make sure to cook them thoroughly.

They are not meant to be eaten raw.

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Saute in butter or clarified butter. Pasta or risotto are good ways to extend and enhance them, but without the carbs, white fish is a really nice foil — for eg simply cooked halibut topped with buttery morels.


(post deleted by author)

Mast Coffee and Tbar tea on the way back from another trip to McKinley Park

the water is a curious color :thinking:

Mom duck is giving me the side eye.


For a coffee shop, they make a surprisingly good scrambled egg.

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Morel mushrooms

Something I read, I think in Six Seasons, suggested spring things, so sliced and sautéed in butter, with just a few favas and chive blossoms from the garden. Pretty good!


I had a nice lunch at Ettore’s on my long, meandering trip back. The vegetarian quiche special was quite filling–a large wedge with both mixed greens and fruit salad on the side. I was too full for dessert there and I really couldn’t bring anything with cream home, so I picked up a florentine, almond horn, and sugar cookie with sprinkles for the trip home.

Why can’t all supermarkets look like the Nuggets in Elk Grove?


@shrinkrap – I should have warned about the coop prices, but those morels were next-level expensive. I like the cheese best there as you can ask them cheesemonger to slice off a fresh wedge from the large rounds.
Watch out for those ducks (and geese). Those mamas can be vicious around their young. Not far from the park is Juno’s, which used to do a decent sandwich, on their own sourdough. Don’t know about recent experiences.

Missed the earlier comment on XLB — I am also in the thinner wrapper camp, but equally important is the soup/broth and filling.

Went to Prelude Kitchen & Bar last evening. Service was very good but food was OK to good and well executed, but the prices certainly were elevated and the flavors didn’t come together as well as I thought they should .


That’s Mother Goose!

Oh yeah!

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Today was Children’s Mental Health Spring Advocacy Day at the March Fong Eu Secretary of State Building. Lots of salad.

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There are flocks of wild turkey where live in the Sacramento area.

Sometimes they even stop traffic. Like to a complete stop.

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Wow! I’ve seen that in Fairfield (they just jump on parked cars there) and Davis too (apparently people call the police if they can’t get away). Those are some jive turkeys! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Too thin.

Otherwise, I know where I’d do my Thanksgiving shopping …

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This flock of around 10 were struttin’ in the parking lot of Skates by the Bay in Berkeley.

Lucky for them, I was in the mood for seafood. :wink:


There were about ten in my neighbors yard. I didn’t really notice them until I was next to them with my dog. Neither batted an eye.

Was I reading the undercurrent in the posts correctly? Word salad at the government building, lots of turkeys?


Was I reading the undercurrent in the posts correctly? Word salad at the government building, lots of turkeys?

That’s pretty good! I didn’t think of that one, at least not consciously!

Adding a few links for later

I walked by here yesterday; anyone been?

Maybe I should have tried to get here yesterday!


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I used to work a block away and have visited the museum many times. It’s not too big, and a nice way to spend an afternoon if it’s either blisteringly hot or cold and raining. IIRC, it used to be free, too, but I don’t know if it still is. It’s also conveniently located with a light rail stop just outside, so you can get there cheaply from anywhere served by the transit system. If you’re visiting the museum on a Tuesday morning during the warmer months, walk a block south to the Roosevelt Park Farmer’s Market. Then go another block south to the New World Bakery for fresh fortune cookies. Bags of cookies are $3, misshapen/broken cookies are $2/bag. Tastiest fortune cookies I’ve ever had.


Great intel! Thank you!

ETA I think there was something else about un-fortunate cookies.

Here it is!