Favorite New Recipes 2023

I used this method earlier this month to make some pork noodles when I realized I was out of udon noodles. I used spaghetti, it did make them more yellow but I’m not sure they were springier. I was afraid they would taste like baking soda but they did not.


We love those melts, too! Cheese/bread/veg are my major food groups!

  1. This peach-frangipane galette. We are huge local peach fiends and I thought I had exhausted all the ways to feature them, but this galette knocked my socks off and I made it repeatedly during peach season.

  2. Black raspberry custard pie, from Erin Jeanne McDowell’s “The Book on Pie.”

I don’t have a lot of experience with custard pies, but once I made this once, I couldn’t stop.

  1. Mom’s apple cake from Smitten Kitchen. Big, full of fruit, visually impressive and mighty tasty.


  1. With my garden tomatoes, repeated batches of gazpacho mostly based on this NYT recipe (gift link.)

Good ones, thanks!

You might have come across it before, but this recipe from Jose Andres with sherry (I just use a medium-dry blend) and no onions is my annual favorite:


Thanks for the link to the rice salad recipe, making me drool!!! Love those flavors & textures…


This is such a great recipe. I use it to get rid of my odds and ends of fish. No need to broil the fish. After the coconut curry sauce is made,cut fish up into chunks and cook for 5 to 6 minutes on medium low. If i have any leftover cooked veggies they go in. Great served over rice.


Most peeps here know I rarely follow any recipes in my cooking - just glance at what’s out there and ‘make it my own, dawg.’

That said, a few fabulous, reliably delicious recipes I’ve made many times over the last year (with tweaks, natch!) come to mind.

This one in particular lends itself to endless variations - you can add any type of seafood (any flaky white fish, shrimp, or even salmon) and make it with or without tofu, and of course any type of veg that floots yer boot.

This one is also a casa lingua favorite & comes together in no time. I’ve yet to make it as written (never used leeks before as I rarely have them in the house - but I always have shallots), and have often added spinach to up the veg.

And, last but certainly not least, @MunchkinRedux’s posts in WFD had inspired me to look up lohikeitto. While I’ve not used the particular recipe she posted (see intro line), the dish is mos def a keeper - salmon, dill, cream… doesn’t get much better in my book :smiling_face:


That Lemony Shrimp and Bean Stew also is awesome.


Husband will love the lemony shrimp and beans tommorow!


I wish mine would. :roll_eyes:

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Understood. It’s hard for me to imagine anyone’s list can be shorter than my husband’s.


My cousin Bill: dark meat chicken, wings, pasta Bolognese, hot cheesy crab artichoke mayo dip , white bread, waffles, toast, raw tomatoes, and raw cucumbers. He came to visit me for 4 days and 4 nights, and I wish I’d known his food ‘restrictions’ before the visit. :slightly_smiling_face:

I still remember the restaurants where I took him and his wife over a 4 day visit in 2018. Italian at an old school Italian restaurant in Toronto (Bolognese), greasy spoon breakfast, pub (too noisy), waffle specialist brunch restaurant, free breakfast at a Residence Inn in Niagara Falls, small-town family restaurant in rural ON (club sandwich) , chain steakhouse (which served no wings and only chicken breast, so he had great difficulty making a choice), Greek-run family restaurant. His wife is open-minded and loves trying new things.


Now there’s a great idea for a thread!


I made these NYE.


I hear you. Mine isn’t picky at all except for this dislike for fresh parsley and strongly lemony dishes. What I would give for a gremolata!


We keep a little bowl of gremolata /cilantro/ parsley/ extra lemon for the 2 of us who like it, to add at the table! You should Add Your Own Gremolata. :slightly_smiling_face:


I definitely add my own squeeze of lemon and sprinkle of parsley tableside! But dishes where those are the dominant flavors don’t really work.

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I love lemon, garlic, chilies. My step mother can’t eat lemon, garlic, chilies. Makes it very difficult to plan a meal when she’s in town!