Do you fry eggs in butter, veg oil, olive oil, or something else?

I buy a buffalo milk butter from a Eastern European market and began using it for eggs. Make a nice crisp edged fried egg if you enjoy that.

Miso butter makes a tasty scrambled egg.


I always cook a couple of extra bacon strips to eat while frying my eggs in the rendered fat.



What pan do you use? After bacon, my regular egg pan (carbon steel) makes the eggs stick. Maybe cast iron doesn’t have that issue?

Pepper and eggs, sausage, pepper and eggs always it’s evoo … scrambled, fried or omelets I only use butter. EDIT: DH uses a well seasoned cast iron fajita pan with a light coating of cooking spray and gets great results

If you want to reuse the same pan for the eggs after the bacon, I suggest you remove the bacon and the fat, de-glaze the pan with something like water or even club soda, then it cook off and then put back some bacon fat and cook your eggs.

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Nope. Remove the bacon and pour off the bacon fat. Then cook the eggs in the remaining fat (you will never remove all the bacon fat).

In what type of pan?

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Years ago, cast iron. These days ceramic or a large stainless steel.

I fry in butter most often. Sometimes just a vegetable spray to lubricate the non stick pan

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Butter usually, sometimes olive oil, and very occasionally bacon drippings.

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Hmm. I haven’t had success with fried eggs after bacon in either SS or any nonstick or carbon steel - they always stick. Not so without the bacon. Any tricks?

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No tricks . . . just the way mom always did it: fry the bacon, pour off the excess fat and fry the eggs.

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Perhaps you’re using bacon with a higher sugar content? I also use bacon grease (sometimes adding reserved grease to a clean pan and sometimes using the pan I cooked bacon in directly after it is done), and have never had a sticking problem. I use non-stick pans for eggs exclusively, though, never cast iron or carbon steel.

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Not really…in a cast iron pan…Try it yourself!

American Bison or Water Buffalo?
Both sound intriguing.

Me too. Scrambled in a non stick pan with unsalted butter.





Any fans of porkroll fat? :slight_smile:


Thanks! On my list to find.

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I usually use butter, but lately I’ve been using store bought ghee for a lot of things. Anybody else using this?

HOME COOKING 7 Things To Know Before Cooking With Ghee - Bon Appetit