Do you fry eggs in butter, veg oil, olive oil, or something else?

I did try moon milk recently. My sister uses ghee in place of other butters. The milk was like bullet coffee.


Butter, preferably browned for scrambled eggs. Olive oil or canola spray usually for over easy. Every blue moon coconut oil if the egg is going over rice.


I agree. The fond from the bacon grabs the egg. Work on your spatula scraping skills!

My daughter is visiting and we made it! She mentioned bullet coffee as well.

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Did you enjoy it?

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She didnā€™t share.


I had to look up ā€œmoon milk.ā€ Then it bothered me the same way ā€œgolden milkā€ and ā€œturmeric lattesā€ do (even though in just the past week Iā€™ve been pushing turmeric on no less than three sick friendsā€¦)

Some context:

As opposed to the second writer, I did grow up with it, and it was the grossest thing you could be made to drink as a child - I never did, because I always negotiated my way out of turmeric in milk to salt and ghee (and much later, turmeric too) in hot water for a sore throat (waiting for that to be revealed as a magic elixir next).

My grandmother is having a roaring laugh somewhereā€¦ :joy:


Maybe the hyped up way of experiencing a culture will lead to better understanding and respect for its original roots. It took some reading for me to understand how to prepare a turmeric drink without over doing the spice. Learned some helpful buying tips.


Grapeseed is what I mostly use, sometimes + butter. A chef friend convinced me that cheap nonstick bought and used as disposable was the way to go, so I usually employ a $12 8-inch with light spray to start, oil added while itā€™s heating, then eggs or a bit of butter first. But this morning I had leftover potatoes to fry first, and got out the old 11" steel pan and used the same greasing method, browned the potatoes, then just dumped in butter and three beaten eggs. To my astonishment nothing got stuck! I could even flip the whole mess over. like with the nonstick!


LOL, one of our local fancy donut shops makes a golden milk donut. Gotta say itā€™s pretty good (but some of my coworkers didnā€™t care for it), but thatā€™s about as close to golden milk Iā€™ll ever get. Turmeric may really work wonders, but this is not how I want to take it.


I know several people who use jalapeƱo infused olive oil. Iā€™ve never tried it but it does sound intriguing.

Iā€™m not sure about fiery eggs!
Iā€™m becoming a wimp these days as far as heat.
A few dashes of hot sauce isnā€™t the same as jalapeƱo infused oil.

Actually the jalapeƱo olive oil Iā€™m talking about is much milder than most of the hot sauces Iā€™ve tried. And Iā€™m a certified heat wimp.

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Butter for me always, unless I have some bacon fat (uncommon) or duck fat (rarer still, but presently the case!).

With butter, I melt it until the foaming stops, meaning the waterā€™s out, and then go to it. Very fast and good stuff.

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