China final stop. Macau

Macau is a region that I’ve always wanted to get to know better.

Our taxi driver driver suggested a favorite local noodle place. I am Chinese illiterate, sorry can’t post names and address. I think a Chinese search engine should find this place if anyone is interested.

Started the day with some Dry Fried Beef Chow Fun with very good Wok Hei and surprisingly large beef sliced.

The Sui Gow (Water Dog Dumplings) were also very good. Fresh fillings popped, nice Wood Ear crunch.

Margaret’s Cafe e Nata for our first Dan Tat of the trip. Margaret is Lord Snow’s ex, and started her own store after they divorced.

Her Dan Tat has a more substantial crust and is richer than ours in SF. Very tasty, but not necessarily better.

Walked to the A-Ma Temple, through some interesting residential side streets. Enjoyed peering into ALL the little hole in the wall restaurants and drooling over their menus and food pics. Window shopped a few neighborhood Mercado’s and sidewalk stands.

A nice Beauty Shop. :slight_smile:

Ducked into a hipsterish coffee shop for some aircon and a well earned respite.

She had a boring Iced Coffee. I had a Coffee and Coke, maybe an only in Asia combo? Had a Ginger Soufflé also, was just ok.


百福麵家 (Bǎi Fú Miàn Jiā) or Good Fortune Noodle (sic) is at :
41 Av. do Infante Dom Henrique, Macao (殷皇子大馬路41號)
Tel: +86 853 2871 2288
Opening hours: 8am to 1am daily

Can also read TripAdvisor reviews here.


Reinvigorated, we headed to what was once Macau’s Red Light district, which seemed to have since morphed into Shark’s Fin Boulevard.

As is common in Asia, many shops offering similar wares tend to cluster in a concentrated area. This quaint three block stretch had a whole bunch of shops and restaurants offering Shark’s Fin.

Many rows of doors still sport the distinctive coat of red paint. Did Nuri change her vocation, but kept her reputation? :wink:

One restaurant served their soups in dangerously hot clay pots. Their brown soup was braised with White Fungus. They also offered a clear soup with Fish Maw and Chicken.

Further down the street, Bamboo Noodles with Shrimp Roe. The super friendly grandmotherly proprietress happily confirmed the noodles were indeed made in-house. They were great, al dente with a firm chew. Shrimp Roe was tasty, but it was all about the noodles!!!

Our order of Won Ton was tasty with generous chunks of Shrimp. But those Bamboo Noodles!

The menu, hopefully with name?


It’s the same one I went to. Also check out the other noodle shop Klyeoh visited if you have time, or room.

I think I’ll like this one more. Next time.


OMG!!! Wonderful! I think I’d planted the seed after reading Peter’s and your posts. Then we just happened by this restaurant and this was starred on my wife’s map.

We’re in town for only three full days, and very much enjoyed our first day.

We had to indulge in the quintessential Macau Pork Chop Sandwich. At the Sei Kee Cafe outlet near St Paul’s Ruins.

The Stocking Milk Tea was outrageously good. We sucked down two teas while our Pork Chops were working and had to order two more to horde for later.

I’d had this “style” Pork Chop Sandos before at famous outlets in Hong Kong, but this version makes me finally understand WHY this sandwich is iconic.

Fresh fried juicy crispy bone in pork topped with fluffy egg on a lightly toasted soft roll. This WORKS!

Oh! Sawdust Cake in room. Wine, of course. Cake is good!


Great pics! Thanks for taking us along in your journey. Looks like you’ve checked off the po tat :heavy_check_mark: and the pork chop sandwich :heavy_check_mark:

I haven’t eaten around Macau a lot but if you’re in the mood for some Portuguese food, I had a good meal at Clube Militar de Macau, a restaurant in a former military club. The duck rice in particular was quite good.

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We went to a Naughty Nuri’s in Ubud, Bali years ago. Is it the same or was the name stolen? It’s a famous place, anointed by Bourdain. The Nuri’s in Bali is a drinking/BBQ/snack joint.

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Ya’ know, we didn’t venture in. So didn’t personally see what type of establishment Nuri’s is.

TripAdvisor confirms this Macau store is an offshoot of the one you visited in Bali. Looks inviting, might have to stop by if we’re in the area again.

Thanks for the rec!! Noted the club has a dress code at dinner, may have to put on grownup pants for the first time in over two weeks. :slight_smile:

Our first day yesterday was grazing day, so a full blown Portuguese meal had to wait. Walked by a few Portuguese restaurants that were very tempting with sardines, roasted pork on rice, etc… must try bacalao, though it may not be to our taste. Will definitely have Oxtail, which we saw on a couple of menus and drooled over.

Will retry Worm Casserole if we run across it. My first try 20 years ago made for a funny story, need to try again.

Nice! I hope you got those sardine fritters soon! Or just snack on that one street with the same two vendors.

I honestly haven’t paid too much attention to the restaurant menus last time I was around , but I was always curious if you ever saw this thing called Arroz Gordo (ARROZ GORDO | THE “FAT RICE” sofrito scented rice – sherry golden raisins – chouriço – curried chicken – char siu – linguiça – wood roasted beef – chilli prawns tea brined egg – cornichon – chicken fat crutons – portuguese olives (Macau)). I went to Fat Rice in Chicago and don’t recall seeing that dish on the menus in Macau though … I didn’t really look too hard.

Link to their menu:

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We visited the charming Coloane area on the water facing the Mainland. The late Lord Stow has his Portuguese Egg Tart empire here. Four bustling outlets, all situated on the same block. The Original Bakery, Lord Stow Express, Lord Stow’s Garden Cafe and a second Lord Stow’s Bakery.

We lucked into a lull at the Original and breezed right in and ordered two. The counter person was actually shocked, and made sure we wanted two, ONLY?!?! Everyone else walked out with boxes and shopping bags filled.

The Egg Tart was very good, a tad bit tastier than Margaret’s. Lord Stow’s had somewhat complex smoky flavor, compared to Margaret’s simply sweet taste. The crust was flaky and thick. In my biased opinion, I still prefer the lighter crust and flavor of my local SF Golden Gate.

We wanted a more local place to eat, one without a queue. Drawn into a breezy restaurant with a simple western style menu, couldn’t resist the magnificent view and old time wharf side ambiance.

Air conditioning provided by the fans and open windows. Marvelous 180* degrees panorama of the Chinese coast opposite. There was only one other patron.

We had a Portuguese-que Baked Pork Chop on Rice. Nicely done, the rice was almost like a Paella. The garlic Spare Ribs were deep fried with a nice light touch on the seasonings. Fried Chicken Cutlet w/Fries to satisfy my Taiwanese dining companion’s urge for Gee Pai.

We saw these two beauties as we were leaving. Two true Suckling Piglets, perched above sacks of charcoal and being readied for the BBQ pit.

Lady advise the Pig is only available for dinner. Portions about $11. The entire piglet about $74. Tonight is the last meal of this trip, so tempted to splash out and go “hog wild” and get a whole pig for the two of us. Any leftovers would make great munchies on the flight tomorrow.


Lunch at A Vencedora, a 101 year old establishment founded in 1918. No tablecloths, no frills, great food.

The Portuguese Set Meal: Potato and Vegetable Soup. Fried Sardines w/Salad. Chickpeas with bits of Trippa and a slice of Chorizo. Two nice warm fluffy buns with butter.

Had the Oxtails, of course. In a Tomato-ey gravy with Cabbage and Carrots, true comfort food.

This is not fine dining. Food is freshly prepared with fresh ingredients, true to recipes that may well be decades tested.

We were sorely tempted to take a walk after lunch and come back for dinner. It was that good, for us.


No way we’re leaving Macau without another round of those fantastic Bamboo Noodles. We stopped into above mentioned noodle joint to pick up some goodies to go.

The friendly servers recognized us as “regulars” and tried to entice us to stay and eat in. Alas, we demurred and the kind folks took care of us accordingly. The proprietress was just lovely. She sincerely thanked us for patronizing her establishment and wished us safe journey home.

Made it across the bridge to Cotai in time to enjoy our last sunset here.

A light Happy Hour nosh to go with a bottle of cab.

Bamboo Noodles with Shrimp Roe, with Squid. Braised Beef offal. Ong Choy with Fooyee.

Fortunately portions in Asia are small!!


Thanks a lot for bringing us with you on your trips.

I always wonder how you can do this live. When I’m traveling with Mr. n, I don’t even have time to prepare what to do, eat, stay next, not to say to engage at the present moment…

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Still, you guys eat at least 5-6 times a day!

Your noodle reminded me that I forgot to buy shrimp roe in HK back in July. :tired_face:

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And tapping out on an iPhone7, no less. :wink:

So happy to share and y’all are enjoying some of our fun.

My partner and I make a great travel team. She pretty much decides which areas and restaurants to visit, and I arrange the flight/hotel logistics and the travel technology. We have some overlap and each other’s input is usually taken into consideration. :wink:

Happily, we both have no problem wandering new areas without a set in stone plan. We’ve finally decided we cannot travel with most normal people, because most folks need some kinda itinerary. We just wake up and then decide on the day plan.


What is that? You mean apps preparation? Currency exchange? Or posting on HO? :smirk::face_with_monocle:

Usually we only decide the length of the trip, we fill and throw plans when we feel during the trip. There are too many variables that can change plans. Most things are planned only the same day or 1-2 days ahead.

That’s us exactly. We should be in Hong Kong now. But flexed and diverted to Macau.

8am ferry direct to HK international tomorrow. Hoping to end our trip on an even note.

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If you have chance, try Tam J’ai Sam Gor noodle at the HK airport terminal 2, before leaving HK!

I’ve tried several eateries at the HKG, I feel it is the most convincing: generous portions and tasty. Last time in July there was a short queue, maybe now it is better!

Check news to see which is the best way to airport, it was a mess with the HK Express with a lot of police checking air tickets yesterday.

Bon voyage!!

Should be MUCH, shorter queue, if I actually make it inside the terminal. Wish me luck.

I may swing by Crystal Jade and giggle at their prices. After CJ in Xiamen, I may never be able to pay “retail” again. :wink: