Zuppa Toscana

I think it deserves its own thread. Which recipe do you use?

Favorite soup recipes?

Zuppa Toscana search results on Hungry Onion


I made zuppa toscana for the first time over the weekend and it is tonight’s dinner. I used this recipe with a few modifications. I had mild sausage so I added crushed fennel seeds and red pepper flakes. I also used a few hunks of parmesan rind from the freezer. Both enhanced the flavor, IMO. Also, one yellow potato and one white sweet potato instead of whatever else was called for.


I’d never heard of it until someone somewhere posted about it either here or on Fb, but then I’ve only been to the OG exactly once.

I made it several times since, not really following any particular recipe. It generally includes sautéed onion & garlic, toasted tomato or red pepper paste, toasted fennel seeds (even if the sausage I use has ample amounts of it), chicken broth, baby yellow potatoes, kale, cream.

If we ever experience anything resembling cold weather here, it’s on the agenda.


I made a simplified riff tonight:
Sautéed a chopped shallot in butter as I took the ribs off the kale. Added kale ribbons to the shallot, and cooked over medium heat for a while. I also added some Spanish sweet paprika, around a tsp.

Sautéed slices of sausage (Cuban sausage tonight, since the butcher didn’t have any Italian- a bit quirky in this soup but it tasted good) in another pan.
After the sausage was browned, I added the kale and shallots, and a little water to almost cover the kale.

Added some light cream to taste and brought to a low summer.


I made a minimalist version last night:
Sautéed onion and garlic in one pan, fried bacon in another.

Added kale to the pan with the sautéed onions and garlic, sautéed a bit longer. Added water to cover, then added the crumbled bacon, Italian crushed chile flakes, some dried thyme and some canned Romano beans that had been rinsed and drained.

Simmered 20 minutes then added some light cream.

I’d do it again without the Italian sausage.