Yorkshire Pudding

First Sunday of Feb is apparently Yorkshire Pudding Day. Not a major holiday that is observed by many , just one of the food days that circulates on social media. So, I’m making Yorkshire Pudding tomorrow, figure I will make a Sunday Roast of some sort to go with it. Making steak tonight, so prob won’t make beef or use drippings tomorrow.


Who knew?

If you’re being traditional, you’ll have the Pudding as a starter, just with gravy. The idea is that it will fill you up, so won’t eat as much of the meat. Those folk in the next county, on the other side of the hill, do have a reputation for being skinflints.

How do you tell if someone’s from Yorkshire?

Don’t worry, they’ll tell you themselves soon enough.


:joy:. So, if someone is from Yorkshire, went to Harvard, follows a Keto diet, is a vegan and/or takes part in CrossFit, which do they tell you first?


Hmmm. Tricky. But probably vegan. :grinning:


I’ve been watching Vera all week, so I’m in the mood for some Northeastern food.

I had so much fun on my short visit to Newcastle, York & the some parts of Moors in 2016. We have a York, Scarborough, Pickering and Whitby in Ontario, but your original versions are 1000 times nicer. I wish I had posted my foodie travel photos here. I brought home a plum pudding from the Newcastle market, and tried a fly cemetery. Dressed crab for lunch, which was new to me. I can’t remember what other regional stuff I tried.

From the Peak District in 2018, I did bring home a Bakewell Tart from Bakewell. I’m hoping to make a trip to Scotland in a year or 2.


So, there we were, having lunch in a pub on Holy Island (Lindisfarne) , north of Newcastle. They had dressed crab on the menu and a North American woman asked the server what it was. He explained. She said she’d never eaten the brown meat. He said he’d bring her a sample to try. She tried. Yuk. Didnt like it at all - too much flavour. Can’t recall what she did eventually order but I do recall she was certainly the centre of attraction.

By the by, we’re thinking of renting a cottage in that area in early summer for maybe a week. Northumberland is England’s least populated county and you can get a real sense of peace and quiet. We were last there in 2019 and have been sort of missing the area.


I’m going with Harvard.


In a food or eating setting, I’d guess it’s vegan/vegetarian/gluten free,/Keto, etc. as very first, since that determines what a person is able or willing to eat.

There were actually a few vegetarians around then in the US graduating late 1970s in certain places. Moosewood Restaurant was founded in 1973 in Ithaca, NY, near Cornell. Then, vegetarianism was not at all understood in most places in the US; very understood and not uncommon in a few places. Vegan was off the map to my limited knowledge then.

Then seemed to kind of go underground for a while along with other forms of “counterculturalism” and then re surfacing, later along with vegan and gluten free, before Keto.

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We have the same joke for Californians.


We hear it about the thongs moving to the MT (empty, well it was until a few years ago) state.

Good Yorkshire pudding tho


I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten there, albeit many years ago, on one of our trips. We’d stopped for the night and went in on the off chance, not realising till some weeks later that it was famous. Can’t recall a thing we ate unfortunately.


I met someone from LA this morning, and yes.

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I had a work colleague - she and her husband were expat Brits, older than I, world -travelled, I was so delighted to have them as friends (I was barely out of school). They invited me for dinner, and made Yorkshire pudding with drippings from the roast. I’d never had it before. It was a wonderful meal. I miss them. I’m grateful they were my friends. I learned so much.


I’m sure it will have been two way.


Oughtn’t Yorkshire pudding to be a byproduct of a roast, rather than a roast a consequence of the pudding?

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So long ago!! I sincerely hope so.

The earliest Moosewood cookbooks (first was 1977, I think), were very heavy on dairy products, and also introduced such then-novelties in the US as falafel, ratatouille, polenta, tempura,nachos, Gado-gado, Spanakopita, tofu, other international dishes (recipe names included Russian, Bulgarian, Arabian, Szechwan, Ukrainian), and they were hand-lettered and hand-illustrated. Later versions of that first cookbook have many of the same recipes with a lot less dairy and oil.

No Yorkshire pudding recipes, although there was a popover recipe, which is vaguely similar.

It was an interesting experiment in the US for the time. I’m curious…was there any vegetarian movement in England during the 1970s? I’m guessing there must have been some regional Indian restaurants that were all or mostly vegetarian.

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I guess it ought to, historically, but the reality is, I’m not English l, nor am I a traditionalist.

I make Yorkshire Pudding or Popovers when I’m craving Yorkshire Pudding or Popovers.

I like Yorkshire Pudding more than roast beef.

I suppose I could call my dish Toadless Toad in The Hole, if it’s wrong to make Yorkshire Pudding without a roast. :frog:

Mini Yorkshire pudding stuffed with roast beef are an appetizer at some pubs, and I’m pretty sure the Yorkshire puddings are not being made with the roast beef stuffing them- but at least they’re paired up, I suppose.


Yes. We have a long history of vegetarianism. The Vegetarian Society was founded in 1847. At least here in the northwest, there were links between vegetarians and those who were tee-total - both strands coming from a religious background. In 1982, the Society founded a cookery school in Altrincham, just a few minutes drive from me. So, whilst it’s been around fro a long time, it’s only in comparitive recent years that vegetarianism has moved into the mainstream.