Why are we not talking in NY/CT

If someone(s) want to rent me a room weekly at The Kimberly Hotel on E. 50th, I will dine out and about in the City and post all my experiences for you to read. Please…no need to thank me for my efforts, I’m not a selfish person, I receive through giving.

Sorry, all we can offer is trump’s dumps in westchester

Throw in an Uber ride and the first Martini and I’m in!

I agree about Yonkers Pepe. The pie is not great and I hate eating there. It’s ugly! The one in Danbury is a bit better, but if I’m already in Danbury then I’m going to Stanziato.

I’m not sure what you mean, but I think you’re saying they would not put it in a plastic bag even if I brought one. GOOD!!

Thanks for the sacrifice but that is a different board (NYC)!! This board is NY burbs and CT.

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My apologies!! I just created a thread that I think should be well received and solve all your problems. You can thank me later!!

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The Fairfield location is the same, not so great. A rep for Pepes insists it is the same everything as the NH location, but we agreed to disagree. I agree if in Danbury go to Stanziato’s.

I remember watching the pizziola(sp) in NH working the pies around the oven as they baked,moving them from side to side, it does make a difference (the skill involved). The problem seems to be they are now little more than cogs in a science,rather than an artiste,that do make a difference. However, i have had good to very good in fairfield.

Some of these posts deserve their own thread, no? Expand it out…


When you become moderator, I shall. Until then…

Gut…I don’t know which topics/post you feel deserve a life of their own, but if there is something you think deserves more attention, sure feel free to start your own thread about it. The community is based, built, and expands only through our common interest(s) and follow up discussions of those interests. So if you do see something you think should be “expanded out”…start a thread about it!!

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The New Jersey board is active?!

There are probably many not more people from NY + CT than from NJ. It is just… that people on the NJ board read, respond, contribute… (everyone feel better, the ones who writes feel that there is an audience…etc).

You can always come join the NJ board and talk about… you know… Roy Rogers fast food.

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Sounds good, NotJ. Don’t want to be accused of usurping a thread or idea, though…


Worry less - Enjoy / Contribute more !!

(hell I would never post if I worried about being accused of things…lol)

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Have you been there recently? Or are you just all-talk?

Perhaps you should check the Roy Rogers thread and get back to me. (to be honest your lack of response or participation on that thread since my visit is what called me to ask where you were recently)

I am needed everywhere.

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Yes!!! I’m jealous.

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