What's For Dinner #89 - the Dawn of a New Year Edition - January 2023

Looks awesome


Wasn’t too thrilled with leftover rib roast, potatoes, rolls. Who cares after the first night. So this was mainly my dinner. Definitely using dark Karo instead of light from now on.


We enjoyed an outstanding dinner with some friends at Belford Bistro in Belford, NJ, including an awesome pork chop with gnocchi, string beans, carrots, and blue cheese; tuna; casarecce pasta with chorizo in a kale pesto sauce; caesar salad; crab cake; chicken with mac n cheese; peanut butter mousse and flourless chocolate cake for dessert. It all went great with an excellent Shiraz, Syrah, and cabernet.


Tonight’s dinner was fried Rice Paper Shrimp & Veggie spring roll. I used up some onions, carrots, celery and mushrooms that were getting old. It was my first time working with rice paper. I got a few tips from “Aaron & Claire” on youtube. Sunshine enjoyed hers with some soy sauce, whereas I preferred them plain. I’ll make some minor adjustments next time.


Very nice


We also did Peruvian roasted chicken. Mr Bean wanted sweet potatoes so he roasted some wedges with olive oil, pimenton picante, salt and pepper. I drizzled mine with Peruvian green sauce, one of my favorite condiments of all times.

@MunchkinRedux - Your chicken looks fabulous. Do you have a favorite recipe for Peruvian chicken? I usually use a jarred sauce made by either Inca’s Food or Peru Food. I’m sure mesquite grilling would help mine.


Last night’s dinner was linguine with zucchini and mint. I added a little dried mint to the oil and garlic in the fry pan instead of garnishing the dish with fresh mint since I didn’t have any.


That’s an unusual combination @ottawaoperadiva , great to hear of a new-to-me idea for zucchini.
Did you like it?


I don’t find it unusual at all. I think mint & zukes are a great combo, and I’ve made pasta with shrimp, zukes and mint before (tho I used finely chopped fresh mint).


We love Peruvian chicken - yours looks tasty! Typically, I’d make it with some kind of cilantro-free green sauce (DH is a non-cilantro eater), but since we were having the Caesar salad, thought I’d pass on it this time. Sweet potatoes are fab with this dish. Maybe I’ll make some of those with the tacos when we get into the leftover chicken.

I don’t recall where I got my Peruvian chicken marinade recipe, but here it is:

2 T. kosher salt
2 T. ground cumin
2 T. sugar
2 T. paprika
2 T. ground oregano
2 T. freshly ground black pepper
2 t. chili flakes
12 garlic cloves, finely chopped
Zest of 1-2 limes
1/4 c. freshly squeezed lime juice

Can be mixed either by hand, or pureed into a paste in the food processor. I usually dry-brine the chicken halves for 24 hours with salt and pepper. Then, slather on the marinade all over, including under the skin of the breast, and wrap up in a plastic bag for another 24 hours, followed by another 12-14 hours of uncovered chilling in the fridge. I bring to room temp before grillling on our Big Green Egg.


Yes I got the recipe from epicurious and I’ve made it many times before mostly during the summer when the zucchinis are in season. The zucchini - mint combination is lovely. I was going to eat out last night but I’m on day three of an upset stomach so I was foraging in the fridge for something to eat. I had one solitary zucchini left in the fridge and no plans for it so I made it with pasta.


Tonight’s dinner is delicious and unhealthy brown food! Homemade chicken balls, onion rings and my first attempt at barbecue sauce with frozen fries. I’d like to think that the onion can count as my vegetable for the evening.


Barbecue sauce has tomato in it, right? You’re good.


Did I understand correctly that you lost the contents of your freezer? What a bummer. It pains to hear it.
All the best.

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Ribeye, Doré potatoes and Dijon mustard sauce.


Yeah, lots of meat: hamburgers and chicken thighs I had JUST put in there the weekend before after buying them on sale, boneless half leg of lamb, 2 duck breasts, 3 TJs pork belly, and too many bags of corn cobs for corn stock (which I have plenty of) and WAY too many chicken carcasses for stock, some I had forgotten about in the bottom of the freezer. So at least I cleared those out. :woman_shrugging:

This weekend I’m getting rid of homemade chicken corn chowder, turkey chili, meat sauce, lamb bolognese, and slices of lemon pot roast in gravy. I had left those in the fridge-freezer when I plugged it into an outlet in my downstairs hallway until the electrician could get here this past Friday because they’re all in Ziploc and Rubbermaid containers I want to keep, and my trash was full last week from the meats and my regular trash. So once they’re defrosted, I’ll transfer the contents all to large Ziploc bags and into the trash. I think the cooked foods bother me more than the meat, although losing the duck and lamb was an ouchie. LOL

The chest freezer was made in Aug. 1993, and I got it free from my mother when her husband died and she moved to MA in 1999. So I got her money’s worth. LOL Pretty sure it still works, so I’ll get MassSave to take it and buy a new one from Home Depot. And make sure more chicken carcasses don’t get forgotten at the bottom of the new freezer. :wink:


Depends on one’s perspective. I’d never come across that combination before, either.

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A quiet day.
Should have repainted the half bath ceiling
But I didn’t.

But I DID make my favorite Sunday dinner:

Roast chicken (lightly seasoned with s/p and Herbes de Provence), sour-creamy mashed potatoes with a butter lake, and steamed green beans with toasted almonds.

Wine. And plenty of leftovers.


Shoulda, woulda, coulda…that meal looks divine! You did goodl Wishing smell-a-vision was around!


Cats always earn ‘likes’!:+1: