What's for Dinner #51 - the It's Dark Outside! Edition - November 2019

To folks like me who are are afraid to cross the bridges with our cars without knowing where we’ll park!

Dang @LindaWhit that came out of nowhere. I only know you via cyberspace, but it’s clear to me that your mom did at least one big thing right…Raising her little girl (and sis) to become decent human beings. That’s all I want for my little spring onion.

Cheers to her.


@LindaWhit, so sorry to hear


Every one of your WFD posts feels like you are sharing a plate and glass not to mention a shit ton of butter :wink: with mom. Something tells me, that won’t change.
:wine_glass: to Mom.


Mayocoba beans “in the style of VanCamp’s” aka, back in the old days as “Beanie Weinie”, accompanied by yard chard.


So what do you think?

@LindaWhit Linda, my moms been gone for 40 years but we chat daily. That’s what it’s all about. You’ll see.


Very flavorful, and nice texture, but as is often the case, too worn out after my “quest” to appreciate it. I hope it will keep a few days. It certainly didn’t have the look of the one in the original recipe. I didn’t (yet) crisp it in the pan after the sous vide.


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That’s courageous. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So sorry for your loss Linda. Strength and love to you and your sister.


I’m beat from too much walking. Feet are about to fall off (I wish).

Made arroz con pollo using leftover chicken tortilla soup. Steamed broccoli on the side. Hit the spot.

Too tired to finish my pre-travel thanksgiving cooking. Will finish at the other end.


Sorry for your loss.

I lost my dad two years ago and cooking was very much therapy and an escape. I always cooked but his death rendered my mom uninterested in cooking for a long time and I had to “step up” so to speak.

Miss him every day. And any meal that I cook that was his favorite, I can still see him getting ready to chow down. That will probably never cease.


So so very sorry for your loss. I’ve enjoyed your touching posts about days spent with your mom during the last few years, and it’s been so clear to all of us how devoted you have been to her care and well-being.

Please take good care of yourself during these tough times. There should definitely be wine, good food and all things that make you feel grounded and right in the world.

Your posts have given your online food community that sense of grounding and rightness over the years and we are all sending you virtual love and strength now in your time of loss.

So sorry for the loss of your Mom. I know she was so loved by you and your sister. Hugs to you and raising a glass to your mom.


You absolutely deserve it . Your a good one .


Tuna and white bean salad. Or white bean and tuna salad.



It’s not something I would ever want to read from LindaW. So sorry for your loss, Linda. Keep on eating well and never delay opening a good bottle of vino!


Sending you a big hug, @LindaWhit. I’m so very sorry to hear about your Mom.

You have warmed our hearts by sharing the grace with which you stayed by her side, and now I hope that you can feel the support flowing back to you from your HO friends.

Your Mom raised a gem of a daughter. Here’s to your mother, you, and everyone in her life.


Thank you, all. I’m reading your replies this morning with tears streaming down my face, and I appreciate your comments more than you can ever know.

I have several “Mom recipes” that I know will bring back the many good memories we shared.


As a part-time pescatarian/vegetarian (or whatever I am), I thought, man, I gotta make @LindaWhit mom’s lemon pot roast in tribute. I know my family would LOVE that.