What's for dinner? #5 - Jan 2016. The Happy New Year Edition

We had been doing a 13 hour drive to Fl. several times a year. Jojo (the circus cat) just settles down and not a peep from him. Mr. Harley starts channeling Bob Marley and howls the entire time. Even kitty Valium has no effect. Absolutely nerve wracking…

Brought the dog home from day school and they had her worn out. She has been very respectful thus far. Laying on the sofa and avoiding direct eye contact with the cats. Jojo was hiding under the porch sofa. But then it started raining. Finally decided indoors held less terror. Came in and of course began drinking from the dogs bowl!

I had a very late lunch at a meatn3 in a neighboring town since I wanted to scope it out for possible relocation. Grilled pork chops, collards and crowder peas with corn along with a rather dense fine grained corn bread. Quite good except the pork chops were rather salty for me.

Since I’m on inter-species patrol dinner will be either grilled cheese or left over pizza. I remembered my friends cookware incorrectly so didn’t bring my dutch oven for the pot roast. If the beasts settle down I’ll prep everything and use her crock pot tomorrow.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: What’s for Dinner #26 - 10/2017 - The Tastes of Fall Edition

We used to chat on chowpuppy Harters. Is it wrong that I joined mostly to read you again? Lingua told me you were here woot. Love stories about Harters Hall etc. It is true that unleashing the hounds on chowhound gave me a nudge that I needed. Someday I Will have baked beans over toast for breakfast.