What's for Dinner #49 - the Falling Leaves Edition - Sept 2019

Funny! True. But it also scares my cats. :relaxed:

Are you kidding? I like that combo. Just bought a new bottle of Tajin the other day. Who doesn’t need a little silicon dioxide in their diet? :wink:

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It’s not a rule. There is a thread for recipes - available for anyone to use/post/comment. For those who don’t bookmark recipes that interest them in the WFD thread (or other threads) the recipe thread could be a handy resource. You and I discussed this in reference to your explorations with the search function on this site. Since search wasn’t as useful as you had hoped I suggested bookmarking and/or the recipe thread. Not a rule, simply sharing information.


Tajine rocks. A good blend of chili powder, salt and citric acid

Hey. You are talking to a guy with a big container of citric acid in the pantry. So many uses


Oh right. Gotcha’. Thanks!

There are only a few rules. #1 don’t be an asshole. Outside of that, be friendly and share experiences and knowledge to enlighten someone else


This is why they don’t let me be on the welcoming committee


Okaayyou said it… wrote it.

I stand behind my posts!!! :wink:

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Ok so of course now I need to know your favorite uses! (I have citric acid crystals too, but for limited indian dish application in combination with baking soda…)

Fried egg and cheese griddled tacos…quesadillas? With some salsa, sour cream, and home-pickled jalapeños. And leftover green salad.


In the kitchen, a replacement for lemon juice. Elsewhere use as an acid to get ride of calcium build up around plumbing fixtures. A little added to your dishwasher helps to keep spots away etc


Green beans

Swedish meatballs, hash browns.


OMG yum! Love Swedish meatballs. Homemade, yes?

Yes. Very easy. Cooked half batch, froze the balance. DH had 6, I had 4.

YUM! Love swedish meatballs! And the beans look lovely.

I haven’t been cooking much these past couple weeks, but I took the time today to make 清湯牛腩 (clear soup beef brisket) from scratch.

I simmered 牛坑腩 (rib finger meat) with cinnamon, star anise, bay leaves, peppercorns and aromatics to make a flavorful broth, reminiscent of pho (in aroma). After straining the skimming off the fat, I served it with rice noodles and poached lettuce.

(This is the cut of beef I used.)

(This is prior to skimming, reheating and finishing things up.)


Your bowl makes me want to dive in… yum!


Great day. I released my dinner .lol . Wine to drink after .

Cheers :wine_glass:


Ah, ok, I missed that. Yeah, on a foodie group I belong to on FB, you have a place for “files” and we can all go there to look for recipes we’ve written up. Easy to find since they don’t get buried by other posts over time.