What's for Dinner #48 - the Drippy, Droopy, Doggy Days of Summer - August 2019

I know, especially in the summer. Me! :grimacing: I used some shakes from an expired bottle of Tajin (lime & chili seasoning) instead.

P.S. Your dish looks beautify to me.


I’m going to try this technique with my godson who eats like a super model.

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@TheCookie Good to see you here. :slight_smile:

Bone In Skin On.


I’m sorry you had a bad time with the dish. But can I ask what kind of Spanish Smoked Paprika you use? I’ve been looking everywhere for my favorite but fear it’s discontinued.

If anyone spies this can you give me a shoutout. Thanks!

Thanks @Google_Gourmet! Long time member & lurker, but rare poster. I :heart: this thread!


which dipping sauce? I use different ones for different food. I and glad it became edible anyway.
Not cooking much but had some food delivered
One of the condiments sent is lime and habanero
Suggestion is to add chopped up habanero to lime juice and zest
I find that very nice and add it now to my soy sauce, garlic , cider vinegar, pepper that I use for chicken and dumplings.


I love your idea of taco. I recently made these for taco Tuesday (made Monday but leftovers on Tuesday. Does that count?) I call the region “My Kitchen”.

La Tortilla Factory Wheat/White Corn Tortillas (my favorite grocery store tortillas) & Robusto Cheese.

Sautéed Onion & Garlic in Olive Oil, Browned Ground Chicken w/Chili Pepper, Cumin, Coriander, Poultry Season, Smoked Paprika, Leftover BBQ Rub, then Simmered in Stock & Store-bought Mole. Marinated Kale & Carrots w/Lime, Orange, Rice Vinegar, Balsamic, Honey, Chili Pepper, Argentinian Sauce Picante (very dark sauce). Topped w/Sour Cream/Vegenaise Mix & Avocado.


The one you use for duck breast: soy sauce, cider vinegar, black pepper, tabasco, and garlic. Sometimes I even add a few drops of yuzu kosho. Not bad.


Hi @TheCookie - It stands for Bone In, Skin On chicken breast/thighs/legs.

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Thank you @TheCookie! Your tacos look beautiful as well.

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Niman Ranch Bacon Wrapped Pork Chops (they came bacon wrapped :blush:) w/Ground Mustard Pan Sauce, Skin-on Smashed Potatoes & Green Salad w/Ricotta Salata


IT IS GOOD… my girls about your age with their own 2 year olds…always ask me…“daddy should I try this or that”…my response is always yes…I said it worked with you!


I like yuzu too but have to be careful as it can get too salty
try the lime zest juice with chopped up jalapeño . It is good by itself added to whatever or to the sauce above.
I just had some home made duck siomai
I used the same dipping sauce but added the lime and jalapeño ;Good
Too tired to take pictures.


Yes, pleaseandthankyou! :heart:

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I bought it at G. Detou in Paris and brought it home. It was enough to split between home and weekend place, so it’s now repackaged and the original producer lost to me.
But, for what it’s worth, I did save it overnight and today’s taste showed that it had mellowed into, if not my favorite goulash, at least an edible one. Will be consumed over several lunches.

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Yes we do have compost pick-up here in San Francisco. We don’t toss much, but it is a godsend for produce peels and already-souped-out- bones. And, yes, the occasional mishap. :nauseated_face:

Note that Whole Foods also collects cooking fat. And corks. :grinning:


You have a good point about the smoked paprika mellowing out as a dish sits.

Usually I’m a fan of the smokiness. Occasionally I’ll overdo the spice in my enthusiasm and letting the dish sit has worked.

Yeah, I’m looking at you braised greens that turned out sassy. Much improved as leftovers.


I just checked out G. Detou. It looks like my dream place.

Yep, the smoked paprika will mellow. I hated the brand I posted (Syren) when first purchased, but it mellowed into a flavor I can’t find in others. Most of them are sour and taste like liquid smoke. The only thing I have that has the same lovely smoke flavor is Maldon Smoked Sea Salt. But it’s so mellow you’d get high-blood pressure before achieving real smoke flavor.

Sorry for the thread drift. Back to dinner!


Stove Top Fratatta - Take 2:

The Wok is cooperating…

My plating was a fail.


3.5 inches of rain and counting made me decide not to grill in a monsoon. The oven hasn’t been turned on in months ha! Buttermilk brined pork, sauteed zucchini and green beans and roasted potatoes. The toddler told me she “loved it” which is a first.