What's for Dinner #35 - The Summertime In The City July 2018 Edition

Guten Appetit!

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Lean Salisbury steaks with (rich) mushroom gravy and cauliflower rice. Salad with yogurt Thousand Island. Really tasty!


@biondanonima mentioned fennel on the salads thread and that sounded fantastic to me!
Can’t even see much of the fennel in my weird deep bowl here, but had it shaved thin with cucumber, yellow bell pepper, cilantro, a few black olives. All but the cilantro and olives was tossed with a little salt and rice wine vinegar for about half hour. In the meantime the other half of avocado never did make it to the bowl…!
A few pcs of seriously unattractive chickenless tenders (seitan), sautéed just to heat through. Kombucha a la carte of course.


Fennel and olives are such a great combo. Very pretty plate!

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it would be excellent on potatoes! thanks for that idea.

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Chile colorado beef stewed yesterday for three hours. Turned out smoky, spicy, and tasty! On fat, hand-made corn tortillas which I think were actually of fresh masa, as a bag of masa was sitting right next to them at my mexi-mart, as opposed to Maseca. They were very corny and good! The tacos were topped with crema, queso fresco, avocado, quick-pickled red onions, cilantro, jalapeno, and radish. a fat Farmers Market tomato drenched in red wine vinegar, olive oil, s&p, and oregano on the side.


Enoki mushrooms wrapped in tofu skin and grilled. Grilled lamb shank (pretty certain it’s pressure cooked first.) Shredded turnip dressed with vinegar and sugar (糖醋心里美).

Lamb shank was fine to try once. The (radish-like) heat, sugar, and acid from the salad paired perfectly with the gaminess of the lamb.

Fried mushrooms with spice mix. The star of the meal.

Earlier that day, we had a homemade pickle. Fried peanuts and whole cloves of garlic are commonly eaten here. Also had pumpkin dumplings (南瓜包子) with chili-vinegar sauce (酸辣酱). These were great. They disappeared as soon as they hit the table.

Random note: Gooseberries are commonly referred to as girl fruit (姑娘果).


Is there a boy fruit too?

I assumed it was because the husks are like dresses. I’ll ask the fruit whisperer tomorrow. We are using food-related discussion as a vehicle for language exchange. At the present we are debating peach vs nectarine – should the two be considered different fruits or two varieties of the same fruit. Today I surprised the heck out of a fruit vendor when I asked 桃子成熟吗 in passable Mandarin. (Is this peach ripe?)

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fresh masa tortillas are really special. I can’t get fresh masa here in Boston, but the time I went through a long process to make fresh masa at home using internet-ordered hominy and lime and the recipe from Anson Mills, I was amazed…one of the better food experiences in my life.

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boys usually wear clothes, too. I am the older sister of three younger brothers and I live with two males, but you never know how someone else’s experiences differ.

wow, that is impressive!

Barbecue and slightly smoked crab (tourteau) tonight. So good!


Mushroom cheese steak sandwich with homemade double-fried french fries. The fries needed a bit more frying on the first fry, but they were still good.

Vodka and Lemonade for a libation. Well, maybe two.


Do you have a Fry-Daddy or similar? I’ve thought I might cook French fries, egg rolls, etc. if I had something like that to keep the temperature right and contain the mess.

Kalamata olive meatballs and roasted peppers and cherry tomatoes with purple basil, ricotta and herb vinaigrette. The veg looked pretty on the plate!


Seared Cobia with salad and leftover stuff


That’s a good looking salad!

Kinda the same kinda different dinner tonight after getting absolutely completely drenched in the almost comical torrential downpours this afternoon- and i even had an umbrella!
Super thin fennel, yellow bell pepper, cucumber, tossed with a little rice wine vinegar and salt and olive oil and let sit about half hour. Added cilantro, sunflower seeds, some fennel fronds. Kombucha a la carte.
I had ducked into Eataly for an espresso and to hide from the downpours,
My appetizer slice of onion focaccia didn’t stand a chance and never even made it back home with me…!


A mung bean “cake” 绿豆糕. When dissolved in water, it becomes a pudding. Also, glutinous rice cakes, but these are mixed with something like glucose syrup.


Finally found the fresh tofu stand. Dinner will be tofu accompanied by rice and fermented, pickley things.

There are lots of fermented, pickley condiments here. It took some hard convincing to get my local supermarket to sell them to me. But they eventually caved. All the ones I’ve tried taste good to me, but I pretty much like anything that’s fermented or pickled.

I finally tasted mangosteen today. It’s difficult to describe the flavor. One tasted like mango and citrus, another like lychee and vanilla. I guess I’ll have to try some more to let my brain figure it out.