What's for Dinner #21 - 05/2017 - Garden Banquet edition

<img src="//hungryonionstatic.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/original/3X/5/5/550e173e3de84b39e72073bc654730a33724e16a.jpg" width="700" height="525">  nice picture I will figure this phone out . Ughhh

Grilled halibut with mayonnaise , garlic chips , and dill . Chipped potato fried in oo . Mixed salad . Wine to drink . :wine_glass: Cheers


A fridge use-up makes a small starter - a few prawns, a spoonful or two of Marie Rose sauce, half a bag of rocket that’s on it’s last legs.

Smoked bacon chops as the main. Simply browned and finished in the oven. Alongside, a tin of cannellini beans warmed through in a red onion, celery, celery leaf (as no parsley) and tomato sauce (tomatoes also on their last legs - you wouldnt want them raw).

A few leftover raspberries (yep, last legs) topped up with strawberries and double cream (last legs)


Avocado on toast topped with ikura.


Razor clams. I love fish but I love shellfish more. In fact, I could even forgo fish. No problem there.

A must in coastal Spain. Simply grilled (a la plancha) drizzled with a sauce of olive oil, parsley and garlic. My version always has capes and anchovy fillets. I pulsed the whole thing in a food processor. Lots of lime or lemon slices alongside, too. Keep it simple when it comes to (shell)fish.

It was a very hot day today, strangely. Too hot to cook or eat outside, otherwise I would have grilled them on the Weber. They were steamed instead.

Seen here is about half kilo of clams (I ate all!). Linguine for the partner, which also has the same sauce mixed in it. I have been having fun with beetroot marinated asparagus.


It was a gorgeous, summery day here in NYC and I managed to wiggle out of work a little early, so we fired up the grill and threw on a flank steak and some chicken and caramelized onion sausages. We inherited this grill from my parents and I’m still getting used to it (uneven heat and stainless grates, which IMO don’t heat up as well as iron grates), so I overcooked the flank steak a bit, but it was still a good dinner. Spicy fennel slaw on the side and lots of ramp pesto for the steak.


Smoked chicken, asparagus with mayo and dill , potato . Wine to drink :wine_glass: Cheers


I saw that Marie Rose sauce mentioned at the Ale & Pie House in London where we went for a brief stint a week ago. Had no idea what it was, and you just reminded me to look it up.

Kinda like a riff on cocktail sauce, eh?


Are you becoming Canadian? :slight_smile:

But yes, similar to American cocktail sauce and used similarly. The story goes that the cook for the crew doing the conservation of King Henry VIII’s ship, Marie Rose, invented it as he’d run out of stuff for lunch one day. At it’s most basic, it’s just mayo and ketchup but it’d usually have lemon juice and Tabasco in it (and always would have in this house)

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Canada seems like a great choice these days, but nah. I’m just lingo-flexible, I guess.


Oh, yes indeed.

Nice country. Friendly people. Good food. Sensible progressive politics… Etc.

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Taking you to Galicia today. The town’s most known dish: octopus with paprika and potatoes. I added copious amounts of parsley to the potatoes although the recipe doesn’t call for it. I used both sweet and spicy paprika powder.

Interesting fact for you: Spaniards eat parsley, Portuguese eat coriander. It goes way back to their golden seafaring time when both nations were powerful.

Asparagus with grated dried tuna roe I got in Alicante.

Close-up of the grated roe.


Chickie thighs on sale @ Hannaford, so I stopped on the way home to pick up a couple of packages. Pan-seared in a hot pan (didn’t sear the chicken long enough, dambit), in a tarragon-shallot cream sauce. Sides were leftover rice pilaf, and steamed broccoli. There was wine.


After seeing and drooling over the Spanish tortillas on the Spanish cuisine thread I was determined to have eggs in some form for dinner. Clean out the fridge frittata … eggs, asparagus, enoki mushroom, onion, scallion, watercress, French ham, gruyere


Dan dan noodles.


After a truly hellish day at work, this is the fastest, easiest meal I know. Chili Verde with Chicken. Four frozen BLSL thighs, 4 tomatillos, 4 garlic cloves, 1 Passila pepper, 1 CA pepper, 1 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin. All tossed in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes. Took the chicken out, ran the immersion blender through it, added fish sauce, and served it with avocado and low carb tortillas. Had a margarita on the rocks to drink. Contemplated about writing a letter of resignation again or taking up basket weaving as a new career.


Baby rack of lamb , grilled , cut into lollipops , with red currant and wine sauce , white beans , and asparagus . Wine to drink .:wine_glass: Cheers .


You’re doing fine with the phone, @emglow101! I like the food, too!

Risotto with meat exacted from the claws, broad beans and asparagus. There’s also cream which was added near the end. Took a long time to remove the meat from a kilo of crab claws. I already did it yesterday so that’s half the work. A lot of work making risotto and even though it tastes good it just looks like a mess.


Boston was hot the other day. My goal was to do as little cooking indoors as possible, but I needed to eat some potato skins for the potassium. I had some little potatoes and decided to try sous vide to replace the steaming, and then just crisp up in a fry pan. It worked!!! In fact, it worked well enough that I might just prepare potatoes for potato salad this way.

Served with grilled salmon steaks and local asparagus.

the potatoes with garden chives

Should have wiped the plate, but I was starving!


I made the rounds of a very small corner of Salem, NH this morning - Kohls (for me), Petco (for the boyz), Christmas Tree Shop (for charity donation items), and BJ’s (for the house. Well, for me, but whatevs.)

Dinner was pork belly with a blood orange syrup/teriyaki sauce/Sriracha glaze, Israeli couscous, and asparagus. And wine. Twas all good.

Gratuitous picture of Finn and Alfie contemplating the sun. Moments after I took this picture, they both looked over their shoulders and gave me the “Let. Us. Out!” face. Yeah, whatevs.