What's for Dinner #21 - 05/2017 - Garden Banquet edition

The last few days have been crazy hot and generally an epic fail for dinners- a blur of sad desk dinners or snacks at work and at least one night i got home late and still kinda hungry so i had watermelon and coconut milk ice cream and called it good enough.
Finally made myself a proper meal today (after working all day), it finally cooled off to a normal temperature. I made a batch of my favorite easy veg burgers- which i make into balls instead- these lentil olive ones from Isa (she wrote Veganomicon the best veg cookbook ever). It’s the only time i ever use canned lentils but these work best using them. Instead of breadcrumbs i use oatmeal i blitz to make a more fine texture and i use a whole pound of mushrooms.
So for dinner i had a few with marinara sauce and a pile of asparagus that i just tossed in the oven since it was on. A Very Large glass of wine a la carte.




Nice, @Mr_Happy. Homemade? I know it’s not hard but I’ve never made them. Dumplings, yes.

@LindaWhit, they are not allowed outside at all? Seems they are inseparable now. Sweet!

Squid and mince. They go well together. Seasoning is fish sauce, palm sugar, garlic, onions, ginger, some Shaoxing rice wine.

It’s a lot quicker to clearn squid if I cut 1 side right off, like here, to make them curl on contact with heat.

For myself I added my own habanero chilli oil to the food on my plate. Partner can’t eat as spicy, the common chilli like in the photo is hot enough.

Hard to see the mince but it’s there.

Haven’t heard from @RedJim in a while. Hope he’s just busy.


Presunto, the squid looks wonderful! I have never cooked squid at home, but I’m going to have to try it soon. Is the white wood background of your pics a table? We just put in new flooring in our kitchen and it looks very similar. (Sorry for getting off topic.)

What’s stopping you? Make sure the pan or bbq is searing hot and work it quick or it will turn rubbery.

Yes, table top but it’s a cover for table top. Like one in the garden. There are stalls at the markets that sell textiles and table cloths, and covers for garden tables. Sold by length. There are all kinds of patterns. Wood patterns are popular.

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Yes, the recipe is from Carolyn Phillips’ All Under Heaven: Recipes from the 35 Cuisines of China

A similar recipe is here online:


Been out out of town the last few days and tonight was a clean out the fridge meal. I was looking to do a quick dashi broth with instant dashi and soba noodles but had to settle for Thai red chili paste based on what I had available. Carrot, red radish, kale and garlic. Popped a quicker seared piece of steelhead trout in the broth to finish cooking


Nope, they’re indoor cats. And while they tussle at times, they are pretty friendly with each other.


A quiet day chatting with my sister as she drove back from NJ and watching a cheesy movie.

Chicken thighs marinated in a combination of olive oil, lime juice, minced garlic, white wine Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper, then pan-seared and finished in the oven. It needed more oomph, but it was decent. Mango rice and sauteed green beans, onions and red bell pepper tossed with Penzey’s Tuscan Sunset. Wine.


We FINALLY had a weekend of gorgeous weather so we spent basically the entire weekend working in the yard, trying to reclaim it from the weeds! Fortunately, yard work and BBQ go well together. I rubbed three racks of ribs around noon today and put them on the smoker, and by the time we started losing light around 7pm, they were ready. Side of spicy slaw and a big glass of dry rosé and we are happy campers.


Found some beautiful squash blossoms at the fm this morning, so I picked six nice ones and we fried them up for happy hour. I’ve never made these before, but definitely will again.

Finished with a bit of salt and pepper.


emglow… what is going on in this pic with the lamb chops
have never seen that kind of grain on lamb … always much finer grain
looks delicious regardless …thx

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Monterey bay squid , scallops from the FM . Farro salad combined with smoked tomato , red onion , sauteed brocolli rabe tops in garlic , oo and red wine vinegar . Beer to drink:beer: Cheers


Couldn’t tell you . Got it at Costco . Maybe the temp I cooked it at on the smoker . Tender and frickin tasty .

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yum … must have been the smoking

good lord … your on a roll!


I am into it at the moment . Getting prepared to leave home for a couple weeks with no home cooking . Must be getting my fill .:fork_and_knife:

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I wished I was at your table, smoked everything, yum!

Very lovely blossoms, this year I didn’t plant any zucchini, there were not of great success (weather not hot enough), but the flowers! that was delicious.

Thai broth with dashi and trout, looks like a good combination.

Took me a while to see that was curly cut squid, I thought it was chicken. Very lovely dish.

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These days busy gardening than cooking…

A few dinner from the last few days.

Tuna poke with sashimi soy sauce and wasabi.

Mango salad with a lot of fresh green onion and leaves with a lemon vinegar dressing - refreshing

Pernil (Puerto Rican Roast Pork), this time I cooked 3 hours, 2 hours in a closed cocotte and removed the lid for the last hour to get the skin roasted.

Sweet potato cakes from Ottolenghi with a Greek yogurt dip (sour cream, lemon juice, coriander, yogurt)
Delish! recipe: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/feb/10/foodanddrink.recipes
Strange husband thought it was chickpea(!) cakes.

Last night, I made a picada sauce (based very loosely on epicurious recipe). I was half watching a film and half making it with whatever ingredients I had in the fridge. Ended up more like a pesto.

My red squid with green picada sauce. Good with cold beer. Cheers all!


i wanted to make calamerps rellenos de Carlos but found out that my squids in the freezer are too small for stuffing. Perhaps I can do this next week.
Not cooking really, but now, have found a young man who wants to come twice a week . He works as a landscaper M-F, lives almost 2 hours away but, he seems to like my garden.
So, keep my fingers crossed.