What's for Dinner #16 - 12/2016 - the (sometimes) Crazy Holiday Yule Edition

Same here, to my mind.

Breakfast for dinner here - bacon, sausage, black pudding, potato cakes, mushrooms, eggs (me), tomatoes (her)

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Not much cooking this week - last night was cream cheese scrambled eggs and toast after the annual Condo Association meeting…which was surprisingly civil and non-contentious. The de facto Board chairwoman seems to have taken a liking to me after my appearances at “open” board meetings this year where I presented my (extremely well documented) case(s) for some repairs to be done on my deck and front stairs, as she chatted me up prior to the meeting.

Taking detailed pictures and keeping three years of Emails in relation to an issue?
Advantage, LindaWhit.
Property Mgmt rep? Fail.

Even better - the condo fee didn’t go up for next year.

Tonight will be some simple baked ziti, a small salad, and a crusty dinner roll. Perhaps some wine, perhaps not.


Have you been to the great food hall in grand central? Not sure what there is for take and go in the evenings but I’ve really enjoyed the open face sandwiches, breads, and the grain bar has some great savory combos. The downstairs/below street level in grand central food court is really disappointing unless you want a shack burger or toby’s coffee

No, I didn’t even realize it was there! I was on the lower level for my train so it didn’t occur to me to go back up - I just made do with a salad from Tri-tip Grill - it was fine, just not very exciting. There were a reasonable number of decent looking options downstairs (a taco place, an Indian joint, etc.), but not a lot of good options if I didn’t want carbs. I will check out the food hall next time!

Eleven days til i go to CA for the holidays… til then it’s just off the charts stress and loooonnngg days at work. I had to leave at a decent time tonight for an appointment so i cooked myself a legit meal! I went with one of my favorites, seared firm tofu in a peanut buttery sauce. I needed some serious veggies and flopped the tofu over a big bowl of baby spinach which wilted nicely and a side of red bell pepper strips i used to scoop pb sauce


What are you doing with the fish you’ve caught since you can’t cook at the hotel?

ach, i’ve fallen behind again. imma start back up with the BF’s last three dinners. I may never cook again.

first, he made llajwa - a bolivian hot sauce made of (in the American version) raw onion, garlic, tomato, cilantro, parsley and jalapenos. lots of salt. it’s highly addictive, though usually not as green - he didn’t use much tomato in his. it was fabulous. pork apanados (milanesa, chicken fried, etc.) were breaded with panko and cracker crumbs - crispy heaven!! he also made a Peruvian specialty, papa a la huancaina - a cold cheesy potato dish. unfortunately, the recipe he used wasn’t as good as what we usually make, and it tasted a bit sweet. slathering the llajwa over everything, however, fixed it all up.

next, he took the leftover pork apanado and augmented it with a new batch made with chicken, and made Katsu (Ton- and Tori-) at my request. excellent. and crispy chicken skins! served with thai sweet chili sauce and hoisin. also, a rice noodle salad with sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, mirin, scallions and cilantro. nice and light. another salad on the side.

then, tonight he went way over th e top, and made a fantastic rib eye, ala an Argentinian restaurant around the corner from us. Perfect. little marble potatoes, another batch of llajwa (instead of chimichurri), and a hearts of palm/avocado salad. little grilled bread and tomato too. i’m basking under a steak fat halo…



My local shoprite had little bone in rib and loin pork roasts on sale yesterday for $1.25 a lb. I had no plans to cook but couldn’t walk away from these. For the wet marinade I used juice of orange, lemon, lime, oil, garlic cloves, oregano, tiny bit of dreaded cilantro … cheated with the dry rub and used sazon tropical seasoning.
I put them in a cold oven at 200 degrees for 5 hours, then increased the temp to 250 an additional 1 hour, and 300 an additional 1 hour, tented and cooled refrigerated overnight. I shredded one this morning. I set aside several cups of cooking liquid and defatted last night, in addition under the pork there is a very nice amount of intensely flavored jellied stock and vegetables. I’ll give the pork a blast in a very hot oven for a final crisp. Would someone like to share their favorite mojo dipping sauce recipe with me it would be greatly appreciated … thank you in advance.


I give five fish a day ( limit ) to the owner of the hotel , his wife cooks them up Asian style and distributes some to family members . Otherwise catch and release .


Daaayummmm, MC! Soon I will be basking under a fat halo, too. A goose fat halo that is.

Just this today.There was also grated beetroot in a rich stock made with the wild duck carcass and pork belly.

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When you first mentioned your plans I had imagined you in a rustic cabin eating fish for breakfast and dinner for a month. Then arriving home with an enormous cooler of frozen fish to last until your next retreat!

(My imaginary world is much more vivid than the real world some days… :blush:)


Done … it was very good
with rice and beans tonight
tacos tomorrow

I did forget to add that initially I browned them before I put them in the oven


Pork chop (no applesauce) seasoned with salt and Penzeys Bavarian seasoning, pan-sauteed in butter and olive oil, white wine added, pan covered to finish cooking.

Chopped mango, shallot, red bell pepper, minced jalapeno, lime juice, pinch of salt, and dried parsley (no fresh) for a quick mango salsa, topping some leftover basmati rice, and steamed asparagus alongside. T’was good.

Oh, there was most definitely wine. And quite probably, some Licor 43 as I watch last night’s Top Chef episode.

Happy weekend.


Pork rules tonight

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It’s suddenly freezing here, so I wanted hearty, spicy goodness. I had ground beef to use so I decided on qeema, one of my favorite Indian dishes. I was out of fresh chiles so I used canned green chiles for flavor and a lot of cayenne for heat. Tasty! I often serve this with raita but I didn’t have yogurt, so I topped my serving with ricotta instead. Surprisingly fantastic!

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Yankee Swap gift shopping for a potluck at work on Thursday the 22nd. (Found something).
Assorted errands.

Comfort food tonight ('cause it was damn cold and windy out all day!) – caramelized onion meatloaf (with funny little pointy drops of ketchup on top), roasted potatoes, and peas.



Handsome lookin’ Calzones!

Awesome photos!

Snowmageddon 1 has settled in overhead here in SE Michigan. So I prepped a big beef stew and put it together in the slow cooker. Dinner’s at 6. Now sipping on a Zing Zang Bloody Mary waiting for the Bears v. Lions game.

Last night’s dinner was broiled hamburgers (73 / 27%) on crusty rolls accompanied by a simple salad. We bought a bottle of Marie’s Creamy Italian Garlic Dressing for the salad, and neither one of us was wowed by this product. Pics below…