What's For Dinner #12- 8/2016. Still looks like summer

Aw, man. That sucks big doodah :frowning:

Long time! Hi Everyone!

Tonight the main is pork filet mignon cooked with wine and chicken stock, potatoes, shallots, garlic and rosemary. Leafy salad with cherry tomatoes, balsamic vignear and sliced andouillette.

Served (and cooked) with a shitty wine.

That’s right, written on the bottle “vin de merde”. Hubby tried it and totally agreed with the label. I kind of like it. It’s with character!


Corvina over leftover corn and steak relish, sweet potato oven fries and a side salad


Peach , basil , and cheddar pork sausage from FM . Slowly cooked in ci pan . Two eggs o.e . side of potato salad . It’s Monday


Lol about the wine!

Andouette - whew you are brave! I tried a bite of it once and couldn’t even swallow it.

That sausage sounds amazing- how was it?

It is amazing . Chris the owner of El Salchichero in Santa Cruz is always inventing these great sausages . The small chunks of fresh peach with the cheddar work so well together . http://www.elsalchichero.com/

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The fog has been here for days now . Cold and gloomy :cloud: Stew weather . So it’s the leftover beef short ribs that I put in the smoker . Combined with local ingredients of onion , carrot , tomatoes , potato’s , and dried porcini .


Carrot top pesto! It’s very tasty

Last night I got home late and put together this chickpea carrot salad- i used two good sized carrots, slightly less oil and swapped in a mix of sunflower seeds and hemp seeds. I had this over some mixed salad greens, really great combo with the dill.

Tonight we ordered in from a new indian spot for working late desk dinner (ugh), i had a potato eggplant curry and even though we ordered a bunch of naan it was so good we ate it all.


Holy CRAP, @WeezieD i just got the package of hotness!!! THANK YOU, SO MUCH!!! please let me reimburse you! Such a wealth of spicy richness… I hope most of these are freezable, but I’ll get going on making things with them this weekend.

Thank you, again, so much!!!



I can’t wait too see what you make!

Yes, they freeze well so you can use them a little at a time. I prefer the corbaci fresh but they’ll keep in the fridge for a week or so- they’re a sweet pepper.

I will not hear another word about money.

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i’ll definitely let you know what i come up with!

too kind. you must let me send you something from here, if there’s every anything…

actually, i may have some Bolivian pepper seeds… huacataya… maybe i can send you those and you can grow them! they’re rather hard to find here. let me make sure i still have them.

thanks again, so much!!


Wednesday. I survived work.
Sketti. Sauce. Crusty buttered roll. Wine.
Ice cream sandwich for dessert.
Something cheesy on TV.
Hump Daaaaaaaayyyyyy.


Amy’s frozen entree’s on acupuncture Wednesday . No cooking after the treatment . Some beers and pop the frozen dinners in the micro .

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Well its HOT out and the tomatoes are starting to really come off the vine - I went out to the beach to visit family last weekend and brought some tomatoes and Rhulman’s tomato water pasta recipe with me. Home to a busy week of quick meals - stuffed tehse suckers with rice and tuna - made a pasta salad with tomatoes & chickpeas last night. Still not tired of tomatoes though not sure what tonight’s iteration will be.

the champion variety this year is a hybrid “Chef’s Choice Orange” they are meaty and prolific and sweet. Love em


Steamed halved new potatoes . Along with a steamed salmon steak . Fairy tales sautéed in o.o and garlic .

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Homemade dashi with soba noodles and salmon. The veg was bok choy, carrot and celery with Thai basil for a flavor punch


Those frozen Amy’s meals were like a food group for me in college…! I should pick one up sometime for nostalgia’s sake. The tamale pie was a regular purchase back then

I had some sort of tamale pie . It was sustainable . And the vegetable pie . They are my go to when getting worked on . I like em .