What's for dessert? Share your random sweet treats here :-)

A piece of the tahini CC cookie from the new Turkish joint. Very nice. I also had a bite of the pistachio kadaif, which I found a bit too sweet.


Double pistachio baklava & a pistachio roll from the Turkish place with my afternoon coffee :smiling_face:


Holy hell that looks good!

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I’m not a huge sweets person, but now that we have a few Levain bakeries that have popped up locally, I went for a cookie last week. I didn’t grab a photo sadly, but this cookie was divine! They have special winter cookies, and I grabbed a “limited edition” dark chocolate toffee cookie. Moist, not overly sweet, but still with plenty of toffee pieces and good cocoa flavor.

This is a site shows you what the cookie looks like (and for those who want to bake these at home).


Here’s a personal closeup :wink:

The OG CC & walnut cookies are decadent, and massive enough for several afternoon coffees. At least in our household.

I remember taking the train up to the NYC Levain bakery many years ago. Getting the cookie warm out of the oven takes it to another level. Of course, one could always heat up the cookie in the oven or MW for a few seconds.


Almond/marzipan croissant.


Different in my house. I had two cookies that afternoon. :rofl:

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There’s a cookie recipe I’ve made of browned butter, dark chocolate chunks, chopped Skor bars, really delicious.


Ooh la la monsieur Pedro! C’est très appétissant :heart_eyes:

OMG! That sounds incredible!

Color me impressed! I’d pass out from hyperglycemia, I’m afraid.

A chocolate almond cookie and an almond cookie from the Turkish place. For those keeping track, this is the third time in three days we’ve gone there for their lovely baked goods :smiling_face:

I had half of the chocolate almond one & a quarter of the regular almond. Liked the former better, the latter was a bit bland.


You’re old friends now … bet they’re happy to see you coming!

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And we’ll be back. Tonight’s dessert was their Dubai chocolate cheesecake.

Not too sweet & much lighter than expected.