What’s on your mind?

We had to put our beloved French Bulldog Bulgari to sleep :sob: Our baby was only 6 years old. Besides having hip dysplasia, and cataracts, he was recently diagnosed with severe intervertebral disease, and was having some neurological issues the last month or so. The last few days he was having constant seizures and collapsing. He was in so much pain that we had no choice but to end his suffering. RIP baby :kissing_heart:


Gucci will be sad


He’s adorable. I am so sorry.


That is heartbreaking because he was so young and very much loved.
My condolences to you and your family.


Thank you everyone for your condolences!


Sorry for your your loss @paryzer , My 17.5 year old miniature pinscher passed away last month so I know how hard it can be to lose a pet that has become part of the family.


I’m very sorry to read this, my sympathy to you and the Mrs.


Oh how sad, my condolences. I lost my avatar three years ago. I still miss him.


#swoon. Hawaii…Your reply is healing for me. Sounds dramatic but I was thinking people just don’t get my smartas humor. It’s hot and I don’t have the fortitude right now but when it’s cold again and I am less busy just you wait mister. Having a gunpowder gin with some juice and a lot of ice now. Ahhhh’

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Oh no that is well just tearing up now. Last time I teared up was when a friend of mine who works at the library got a phone call while she was at work saying her house had burnt down and her two beloved dogs that were her whole life had not survived. I could not stop crying. She posted pics of them every day on fb. Gasping now.


Eli, I’m so very very sorry. It’s always so hard to say goodbye to our furry kids, but knowing he’s not in pain anymore I hope helps ease your heartache.


And could not have enjoyed a better life!


Your grandfather sounds awesome. Never play cards with someone who has served in the military. Well unless you are a masochist.
“pinochle and gin” sounds delightful. Conan and I played a Russian themed mtg set quite awhile back and there was a few wee drops of vodka involved. I had a friend Andy who is way smarter than I. He studied actuarial science for the pure joy of it. Naturally he kicked my butt on the regular. We used to use some of the medicinal while we played along with the obligatory cold beer. He thought it was the dumbest idea ever because weed made you stupider. We won’t talk about the time my other gamer friend C. who later went on to do a bit of jail time carelessly left a small bag of medicinal right on the couch. I was fairly wasted and saw my sweet little girl dachshund chewing on something. I said jokingly the dog got your bag! I just thought it was a sandwich bag or something. I dunno if you have ever seen The Flash but C moved faster than I thought humanly possible. Doxie was fine but I was pretty upset. We watching her carefully and boy did her eyes look weird. Whew.

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Eli, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Bulgari. We’ll miss seeing that sweet face of his. Be extra kind to yourselves in the coming days.


Respect!!! We just ate at a neighborhood Mexican place in Las Vegas that made all its own tortillas in an open ‘kitchen’ you passed on the way to your table. Their flour tortillas were the best I’ve tasted in my entire life. Took a few home and steamed them 3-4 days later. They were still amazing.

About bb. I did once watch three episodes in a row but just once. I abhor bingeing myself but whatever people enjoy. My one friend Erick (also a hard core gamer) who I told about bb almost quit after the first episode. He said it started out very slow. As a book lover this comment astounded me and I remember at the time thinking Erick had no trust in the story teller. I never said anything as Erick is an extreme introvert that makes me sound like an extrovert. And no one usually sees it but he does have a short fuse. Anyway he loved the show and put his finger on exactly what is so compelling about it. Smart man. I highly doubt that you will go back to bb but just in case I will be vague. Erick felt some real sympathy for one of the bad guys. The show has a lot of nuance to it and many tiny slices of life to show a person’s true character. Omg the recycling scene with slipping jimmy, oh wait that might be from the even better sequel. No character is all good or all bad which I adore. We watch no live tv here although I have heard of this thing called cable. We rent or buy dvds. We donate the dvds to the library that we bought. I am slowly enjoying House right now and taking our time. Conan put us onto that show.

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so sorry :disappointed:

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Cable? What is this thing you call cable? I am totally wireless. :muscle:

The story behind my grandfather losing his arm is amazing. I am not half the man he was… or of any man or woman of that generation.

I don’t recall which episode had Jesse screwing up causing the guy he was trying to dissolve in acid to fall through the ceiling… but that had me. :joy:

Not to be personal but you seem to evaluate many people by smarts and I suspect you under assess yourself. Just say’in. :blush:

Among one of the best compliments ever conceived. Concise, direct, and meaningful. Just my interpretation.

Oh hell yeah. My uncle Jimmy was in the Korean War and used to sleep walk. He would come into the kitchen of my Dad’s parents’ house at night. Late. My mom would look at him and he would say “I’ll bet you think I’m asleep now.” Once my mom went into the room where he was sleeping and he was behind the door. He grabbed her and not in a sensual way I hear they teach you how to kill in the military. The whole smarts thing relates to older generations. I am part Welsh and part Irish just like Conan. My mother’s mom, Esther taught me never ever to brag. I read somewhere and I hope you are sitting down because check this out, it was considered rude to brag about your own children. Esther’s wise advice has stayed with me but people rarely talk of false modesty. Esther was at least as smart as Walter White and considered it a curse. I found her journal. As for me I just have a ridiculous memory. I can remember my mother before I had a name for her and apparently was an early talker. I have never shut up since. You can imagine how having a great memory, not for passwords or phone numbers or anything useful but mostly conversations or events has made me Real popular with family and friends. I do enjoy smart people though. I know two gamers who completed degrees in actuarial science and always wanted to play mtg with them because I figured I would mostly lose but learn something. Maybe part of the appeal of bb and the sequel is how smart Walter is. Plus walt is a chemistry teacher at heart and science is woven throughout the show. I think to really appreciate the show you would have to have some love for Westerns. But yeah BB is Not for the ones with weak stomachs. Gonna make a somewhat braggy post soon and I have no idea where it belongs but I am hesitant because I do not want to anger the fae. Wish me luck. Good luck.

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