What’s for Dinner #52 - the Continuous Feasts Edition- December 2019

Thanks! Not really. Had a bad cold and low energy for weeks back in November. Suddenly realised a few more weeks and the year is over. Hope to finish some of the planned cook projects.

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The flan looks amazing.

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What a morning!! Got up early this morning to make dinner in my instant pot (while I was showering) - Korean beef in one pot; rice in the other. I am so tech savvy! Dinner was ready just as I was fully dressed ready for work, and it turned out amazing, so I decided to take some to work for lunch as well. Took a supermarket paper (brown) bag from the cabinet (trying to be environmentally friendly) and put my coffee mug inside along with a glass container for my lunch (the meat was still hot so I didn’t want to put it in a plastic container)… anyway, I go out the door (it is snowing) with my huge winter coat, my huge purse and this large paper bag and I am clomping to the car and I reach the garage and the handle of the paper bag rips and my coffee mug and lunch smashes all over the garage cement floor. Long story short - I am out a coffee mug, lunch, and I was late for work because I had to sweep my garage from the Korean beef, rice and glass. Don’t you just love winters in Boston??? At least I didn’t finish all of the Korean Beef and rice - so I’ll have that for dinner, but I’ll have to wait for dinner to eat and have take out (again!) for lunch. #haveaday


Ugh. What a mess!!! Is there anything worse than a big mess first thing in the morning?! I use an insulated bag for all my lunch stuff that has saved me more than once. Hope your day improves!!!


Thanks. There are some days that you tell yourself “I should’ve just stayed in bed” :smirk:
Actually, I took it in stride. Having my coffee (no mug, but still…) and I’m right next door to a Dunkin’ so I think I’ll get myself a glazed.


I do know that feeling ha! Usually that isn’t a real option. I vote for the glazed donut!


Actually, with about 15" of snow around my townhouse, I’m kind of DONE with it right now. LOL

Sorry you lost your lunch (so to speak) but glad you have enough for dinner tonight!


Look at me - complaining about 3" of snow. 15" - wow!

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Sorry for your mishap, not a good way to start the day. I hope the glazed doughnut redeemed the situation somewhat. I admire your restraint, I would have gotten two! :doughnut:


There are still many hours in the day left


Well I hope nothing else goes off the rails too badly; at least you know you have a good dinner waiting!

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Ouch! Yeah paper bag’s fault! Sorry for your loss.

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The rest of the roast turkey breast was repurposed in turkey chili.

Sauteed chopped onion and red bell pepper, then added chili powder, ground cumin, and a smidge of ground ginger.

Added 2 cans of cannellini beans, 1-1/2 cups of chopped Pomi tomatoes, some tomato paste, a cup of chicken stock, and about 3 cups of diced turkey. I also added about 1-1/2 cups of sweet potato mash as a thickener.

Simmer. Simmer. Simmer.
Taste. Taste. Taste.
Season. Season. Season.

Cooked up some elbow noodles on which to serve the chili, topped it with grated Manchego cheese and a healthy dollop of sour cream.

Dinnah. And I’m feeding the freezer for quick meals when I haven’t thought about what to make.

And yeah. I went with a glass of wine. Two snowy days and month end invoicing will do that to you.


Mrs. P made smoked salmon penne :yum:


Mrs. P rocks!


Tomato and fresh mozz

Pan roasted chicken and potatoes, beet greens


We bought carryout pizza for our family hosts as we hit day 6 of our trip (new family member’s home starting tonight). Last night we took the FIL and MIL out for Mexican.

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She sure does, and so do you :blush:

Got home late after some errands… thought I’d try the TJ’s mushroom and truffle sauce with pasta and some sautéed mushrooms.

But… my former low carb avatar had prevented any pasta stocking - zero. I looked everywhere for a stray bag.

So, eggs. Masala omelette with toast from the last of the flax and quinoa bread I succumbed to at WF just after thanksgiving. Dad’s is the gold standard of this omelette - this was pretty good, but the fluffiness got away from me.

Hit the spot, though.