What’s for Dinner #11 - 7/2016 - The Sum-Sum-Summahtime Edition!

I’ve been buying these kelp granules for a long time (since sea vegetables have lots of trace minerals important for vegetarians) and they really do perk up all kinds of dishes! That curry really sounds delicious but may have to wait for cooler weather


I stumbled on a small farmers market today on my bike ride and was thrilled to find some good looking corn! I was poking around and went with this raw corn salad with basil. I added in cubed smoked tofu and some of the sugar snap peas i also bought. Tomatoes here aren’t quite ready but i found some good enough cherry tomatoes. No avocado since mine is still hard as a rock.


Got a whole length of lamb chops and asked the butcher to cut them up, every 3 ribs. But normally the chops are individual which makes it easer to barbeque. I used prepackaged kebab spice mix, also for the prawns.

Prawns are big. 7 of them weighed half kilo (eur. 9)

What it looks like from above


Many thanks for the link, Ttrockwood. Must try this as well. The curry was fantastic tasting. Definitely worth keeping on top of the rotation list. We both loved it.

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WFD = ~ Turkeyburger, with spicy brown mustard on toasted sandwich size English muffins. I prefer sauerkraut with my burger, G will probably have lettuce, tomato, and cheese.
~ Warm Greek Potato Salad with a pinch of Nori on mine. Steamed potatoes, quick pickled onions. Dressing: olive oil, lemon juice, celery, parsley, S & P. Before serving I like to sprinkle a little apple cider vinegar then give the salad one final toss.
~~ More berries! Or not. Rather a carby meal but it always pleases. No apologies.

Last night we had these TJ’s samosas. I made a quick dipping sauce with yogurt, kumquat jalapeño jam, garlic, salt, pepper, and parsley.


Whatta doll!

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Well, yeah. I’ve been slacking mightily here… our last days in Berlin were great, our short stint in Barcelona incredible. OD’d on jamon, razor clams, montaditos, cava, vermut, mussels, more razor clams, etc. etc. It was da bomb, and I would love to go back soon. I also saw (and swam in) the ocean for the first time in 8 years, so that made this girl very, very happy.

Now back stateside since last week, and happy to be home – back with my kitty, my band and our friends :-D.

The weather has been stunning for the most part, so we’ve been grilling a lot – just yesterday we hosted an impromptu BBQ potluck with BLSL thighs in Greek marinade, wild salmon burgers, teriyaki chicken tenders, zucchini boats (courtesy of one of our guests) stuffed with hummus, feta, roasted tomatoes and a big-ass Greek salad. One the bugs got a little too mean we moved inside and hung out till 2 am over G&Ts and (later) scotch. Good times.

Today is equally gorgeous – after a day spent lounging at the local pool, we’re grilling another salmon filet rubbed with brown sugar, cayenne & lemon pepper & another big-ass salad on the side: mixed lettuces, radishes, Persian cukes, some FM tomatoes & avocado in lemony mayo dressing.

Happy Sunday, y’all!


I have these too but dulse flakes not kelp. They’re great!


16/20 prawns marinated around forty mins in oo. sambal, maple syrup , ketchup , lemon juice , soy , with fresh basil . Then grilled 3 to a skewer . Romaine heart salad , red onion , purple cabbage and chopped radish . oo dressing made with one anchovy and small garlic clove crushed , added green peppercorn mustard ,and red wine vinegar. local baked francese bread grilled , dressed with oo and salt .


Smash burgers for dinner tonight. Had 6 oz patties that were split in two and made in to two 3 oz patties for a double stacked burger. Sautéed fresh corn for a side


Blue crab feast:


After sauteeing with ginger and scallion.

Yum. But its quite a workout to eat. My right arm is getting carpel tunnel. Took me 1 hour to eat 1.5 crabs.


Love the crabs!! Do not like carpel tunnel.
I feel your pain.

WFD: ~ Typical Macaroni Monday with Amatriciana sauce on Fusilli. With fresh ricotta, and fresh Pecorino Romano over top each serving. We use a lot of pancetta for this sauce, strained Pomi tomatoes, and enough red pepper flakes to bring the eat up and out but not enough to knock our blocks off.

~ Radish, cucumber, tomato, scattering of olives, Vidalia salad. Classic RWV dressing. I prefer no garlic in this dressing.



Oh!! this would make me so very happy!!

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Good point. I let them know, and they said it was ok. People do tend to use the same term in different ways, so I think it’s appreciated all around for the host to disclose. I’ve had friends who’ve called themselves vegetarian but who ate fish, or didn’t mind things cooked with chicken broth, or who basically ate starches and no vegetables at all.

Sockeye salmon over yellow grits with corn off the cob tossed in as well as some green onion tops and a little cilantro


Just got home from an epic wedding weekend, with mostly excellent food! One of the other guests staying in the house with me is a Cordon Bleu-trained boulanger, so there were baked goods galore (amazing sticky buns and lime curd-filled cream puffs were the highlights). The food at the wedding itself was surprisingly good, for buffet wedding fare - one standout was a salad of spicy roasted carrots topped with sliced avocado and a lime vinaigrette - very nice combination of flavors. Brunch yesterday was dominated by a rare roasted beef tenderloin served with a delicious shallot-tarragon mayonnaise.

We finished up the festival o’ carbs with maple-candied sourdough toast smeared with stinky soft cheeses for breakfast. I won’t be eating again for a week!


Be still my heart!!! Everything sounds very appealing but the above … has rendered
me nearly speechless

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