What is our group identity here on Hungry Onion?????

Apple Pie is kind of cool (even though completely unrelated to the name of this site). We can call ourselves the little pie-yi or pie-er (no idea really).


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I started just laughing at the title of the video. Oh lord.

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““HO” is not easy to pronounce? You’re kidding, right?”

Ho, ho, ho, lingua



(Pronounce it however you want!)

I like HOs, and it should go without saying, a group gathering of these people would be a HO-down. :slight_smile:


At the risk of introducing a note of seriousness, may I sort of disagree that we need some kind of common identity.

I have always had issues with, for example, “Chowhound” (or whatever identity contributors to a particular forum may assign to themselves). It rarely has any meaning outside the group and, as such, is exclusive, rather than inclusive. But let’s take “Chowhound” as an example. Just an example, of course. What do people mean when they assign that to themselves. Do they mean they follow the pretentious tosh that the “Chowhound Manifesto” uses to define a Chowhound? I’ll bet my next month’s pension that the vast majority of users of that site would run a mile from that definition. No way would they really self-describe themselves by that manifesto. No, of course, they wouldnt.

They are not “Chowhounds” nor are we any onion related soubriquet. We are simply contributors to a new internet discussion forum. Nothing more and nothing less. And we’re better for that. IMO, of course - and that’s shallot from me on the subject.


Wow, all this HO talk

Soooooo you want to be know as “shallot”? :smile:

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I like “HOs.” And instead of chowdowns, we can have ho-downs.


Great minds think alike.

Some just take a little longer! :wink:


Aw, stop being such a grownup!

I’m attributing it to jet lag. :wink:

Yes, I never understood this “need” for a group identity.

But I figured I’d play along anyway. Ho, ho, ho :christmas_tree:

I’m mostly with you – the only “need” I see is a shorthand for “those of us reading and posting on this forum”. Hunions (or Hounds) is definitely a lot shorter and easier.

Unless there was going to be a teeshirt drive to fund the site. Then maybe “Be a Hunion” with the onion logo might be amusing.


I am for Hunion.

It is like HUNgry onION

It is also like Hun Ion (which is totally awesome to combine the barbarian Huns with the molecular ION)

in that case, it would have to be
“I am a LAYER!”

oh, we’d better check with The Chicken People first…
or maybe The Egg People…
they are still debating that…

Posters here, of course, can (and will) refer to themselves however they wish - that said, I’ll stick to HOs. Short & sweet.

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The poor FTC’ers tho…not much to work with there

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Well, I’ve read some of them use choice language. They can be F’ers. But not my concern.

classless truck driving f’ers? F the C, figures