What Fast Food Chain Do You Love?

I’ve never seen one that looks like that! We used to make our own in college.

Oh, I remember Rodney Allen Ripley and his Jumbo Jack ads. And the Jumbo Jack was a halfway decent burger at that time. JITB had those gawd awful but addicting ‘tacos’. We didn’t have Burger King until later.

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Wow this thread has 1260 posts atm.

My fav is Dairy Queen. It was quite a revelation to me 60+ (required "GAH!) years ago that they served FOOD too. Their quality slipped or my taste buds got more edumacated & then whenever where I was there weren’t any DQ’s :sob: for years…decades actually. Then I moved to Maine where Dad & younger bro lived. My brother–the chef-- had stopped in at a DQ & was surprised by the quality.

After DQ then Panda Express, Wendy’s, 5 Guys, Arby’s, McD’s & BK (Tied), Subway, & Taco Bell in order. Local non-chain preempts them all.


Our DQs are pretty good here in Southern Oregon.
I think quality depends on the franchise owner.
We just got a new one to replace the Burger King that burned down in our firestorm from a few years ago.
BTW this thread is 4+ years old and still going strong.


Obviously, a lot of discerning food lovers abound :wink:


I like bacon and egg McMuffin, or Sausage McMuffin (no egg), better than the sausage and egg, or ham and egg.


Before spring 2020, I’d grab an Egg
McMuffin or grilled cheese & tomato at the McCafé in Toronto’s Union Station before boarding the train 2 times a month.

I had a quarter pounder with cheese in April, which was the first one in around 3 years. I live 3 blocks from a 24 McD’s, so I occasionally get a latenight bite. Some independent restaurants in my neighborhood have reduced their dine-in hours over the past 2 years, so it’s become difficult to find a non-fast food meal after 9:30 pm in some parts of Toronto.

Most recent orders were McNuggets and a donut.

I ordered the McNuggets after being told by an indie Italian resto that they no longer offered take-out, because people can choose to dine indoors. (They don’t want my business)

I’m back to visiting McD’s around once a month, after not visiting from Feb 2020 until Feb 2022.

Nathan’s- their hot dogs and French fries. They use an Eastern potato as opposed to Western Russets. The extra moisture yields a creamy textured fry.


Interesting that if you click the timestamp on your own post, it shows you were the 1280th comment. But the side register was only showing you 1260. And even now, several later, it’s only at 1268 - but that comment’s URL tag is number 1285.

Have a bunch of posts gotten flagged and removed? That’s the only time I see Discourse threads with number mismatches on the other communities I frequent that use Discourse.

Maybe some readers deleted their posts? I’ve done that before.

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Haha - like maybe they had second thoughts about admitting to loving fast food chains!

But more seriously, this iteration of Discourse leaves the shell of the post present in the thread, and still enumerated. Here’s an example from this thread.


side bar says 1271 right now at 12:50. Must be deleted posts

OMG I admitted I like McDonald’s online. The HORROR! THE INTERNET IS FOREVER. :rofl::100:


There’s something about McDonald’s beef patties that just does not do it for me.

Regurgitated fish meat and hockey puck eggs, on the other hand, sit much better with me!


I am sitting in a coffee shop in Livingston Montana and everyone here thinks “Some idiot is laughing like a maniac right next to me!!”

I wish the food here was half as good as the discourse on HO. Bone dry meatloaf served after a wait of 35 minutes. My cappuccino only lasted 15 minutes…


Whoa my friend, what am I looking at here?

Ruffles potato chips, meatloaf (?), and red pickled cabbage on toasted ciabatta bun?

Either you, my friend, have very eclectic tastes in your breakfast comestible combinations, or that coffee shop has a weird sense of humor when putting together their breakfast combinations on their menu.


I think “weird sense of humor” covers it. The chips and ciabatta are “homemade” and the red cabbage is slaw not pickled, and it was an odd meal.
Nice people, but not a very good meal, unfortunately.
I had two really good meals in Red Lodge this week at Cafe Regis if you ever visit there. Excellent Mom and Pop atmosphere with a verdant al fresco dining area near their own greenhouses.
Chili verde omelet yesterday and a brisket sandwich w a side of chili verde a few days earlier.


I think Bowl of Chili/ Bowl of Cream of Tomato Soup / Grilled Cheese Sandwich / Toasted Denver, followed by a Slice Of Pie is the way to go in small town Montana or North Dakota!

Or the Pizza Hut lunch buffet, with apple pie pizza. (Still happening in some small cities in MT, I’ve been to the one in Glasgow).


You have been to Glasgow, the place that was determined to be the "Middle of Nowhere’ according to the Washington Post?
(I posted a link to the Denver Post since the WaPo article is behind a paywall.)

Glasgow is my home town! I grew up in Glasgow and love the place but had to leave to go to university and then had to stay away because I needed to find a job after graduating. I hope you tried the Supreme Pizza at Eugene’s Pizza, it is the best pizza in the state according to a couple of polls of people from Montana. One other fun thing about Eugene’s is that the pizza crust makers toss the pizza dough “discs” 15 to 16 feet in the air to thin them out and add air to the dough. It is kind of cool to see the “veteran” tossers get that dough spinning way up in the air!
It isn’t often I talk with anyone who has been to my home town. LOL!


I am sorry to be going on and on about my hometown, but Sam and Jeff and their Mom, Mary Sue, have done such a great job of being the beating heart of Glasgow.
When you win a basketball game, you go there. When you lose, you drive the loop in frustration, but eventually you end up there. First date? There, of course. The first place we all go to when we come back to Glasgow after years on one coast or the other? Eugene’s.
Here is a short video of owners Sam and Mary Sue with Jeff showing up in just one scene.
And a young lady does a short dough toss at 0:26 or so. Sam and Jeff like to put on a show and get that disc flying!
Again, sorry to go on about the place.