What Fast Food Chain Do You Love?

My favorite FF chicken joint.

With strawberry soda :cup_with_straw:

I like people. What a concept.
What a country.


That is some good pricing. The chicken joint right near my parents I believe is 3.25 per breast. It is some solid chicken


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I’ve never seen a place actually advertise Purdue chicken before.
Free range/organic brands, at least out here in hippieland, but who knows these days?


I could be wrong about the strawberry soda being commonly available in CA. Certainly the other ones you mentioned are more common. Interesting that in the chicken joint menu posted above, strawberry is the only fake fruit soda listed – I wonder if that’s a typical thing?

On a slightly related note, I walked past a display of large bottles of “French Soda” at Sprouts just now. One of the flavors was strawberry, and it was naturally flavored, if you can believe it. I rarely drink soda, but I’m gonna have to try that. They also had blood orange and pomegranate flavors.


I love me some bbqboy boy but don’t suspect you’ve worked over thirty years in a service industry with the adoring public. Everyone I know who has over five years is a severe misanthrope.

Having said this it’s the less than five percent that spawns the jaded attitude. The majority are overwhelmingly nice and appreciate an effort to go out of the way when needed to ensure a happy customer experience.


I sold records and cool atomic age collectibles and clothes so my customers loved me.
You are probably correct; I’d have been a failure as a carpet or mattress salesman :man_office_worker:


We had a record store/head shop back in the '70’s. I think everyone was too shall we say buzzed to be mean to anybody.:sunglasses:

I loved that place.

What a country.


I’m not sure I understand. Mine has only recently become a service industry, and not adoring, but I still find people quite fascinating!

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Maine. Not NH.

Well, first made in Mass, the creator is from Maine and it’s the official soda of Maine. My great GF from Maine, moved to NH for most his life, loved it.


I reread the timeline. Looks like the last Moxie horsemobile is related to NH. :cowboy_hat_face:
“Moxie is a brand of carbonated beverage that was among the first mass-produced soft drinks in the United States. It continues to be regionally popular today, particularly in New England. It is produced by the Moxie Beverage Company of Bedford, New Hampshire. Moxie was purchased by the Coca-Cola company in 2018.” Wikipedia

Don’t know whether to believe Wiki or not.
All of NE seems like one small area to me, a wide open spaces kind of guy.

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Free taco today at taco bell …fyi

I’m not sure this link will work but from 2 to 6:00 you can get a free taco


Oh yay. Go for it. Sprouts just opened up down the street. I’m gettin’ some.


Buffalo vs Cows. Did anyone see the Ted Turner special on CNN? There were some interesting facts about the differences in raising the two and what it does to the land.

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Here’s Alice Cooper’s favorite…


Well some of this info is very vague, but I’m sad to see a few of these possibly closing for good.

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“Luby’s announced they’d be closing down underperforming branches. The last time they did that, they reported a profit of $6.6 million, boosting their revenue.”

I wouldn’t think it would be the one in Rockwall, TX. Always busy. I love the fried fish and tarter sauce Butter beans and fresh baked rolls. Good food. Well run place.

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The photo used for MOD Pizza is a real attention-grabber…:roll_eyes:

Ugggghhhhh I actually when thru the entire list. Seems like everyone but Mc’donalds and another chicken place I won’t mention by name are closing locations.


Heading to one in Houston in about an hour for that fish.

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What is with these chicken places? It’s not like chicken is a new thing or the chicken sandwich is ground breaking technology. I don’t understand what the buzz is all about and why these two places are doing so well. I was going to say more people are not eating beef but McDonalds is still doing well.