What Fast Food Chain Do You Love?

I tried the Burger King tacos. They are not great but at 1.00, they are not bad either. If I brought some hot sauce they would have been better, but taco bell kills these.

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This is true but my tastebuds still agree with what I said above , that they stand beneath JiTB tacos, the gold standard for West Coast
stoner 12:00-4:00 am crowds.
They aren’t the real thing that I grew up consuming , but to those of us out this way they are a cultural touchstone and really tasty too.
All about the grease bomb :bomb:
BTW, this reviewer is still an idiot. I’m surprised she didn’t find a way to mention Shake Shack tacos, or at least a rumor of same.


… and the SE Texas Gulf Coast.

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Does jitb do any cheese sauce? The TB items with their nacho sauce really speak to me. Do any of their offerings with the nacho sauce work? They aren’t here in nj but maybe I can try them soon in other states.

No cheese sauce just a piece of yellow cheese that melts into the meat mixture and a little lettuce in a hard shelled taco served with a packet of hot sauce. The tacos are generally crispy on the outside and somewhat mushy on the inside a strange combination that works somehow and must be tried as words can’t adequately describe it. Am I wrong folks?

The prices in Houston have skyrocketed from 99 cents to a buck twenty nine for two. Speaking of rockets:

The Astros are wearing Apollo 11 patches on their caps tonight to commemorate the moon landing, makes a fellow proud to be from Space City USA.

“Houston, Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed.”


You’re setting the bar too high.
The weirdness of these gutbombs is that besides these and a giant sized one, they don’t do Mexican food ala Del Taco.
Most ARE open 24 hours however.

I’ve never had one, but after a!most 30 years in N Cal, I still say I’m from New York.

Waiting for my son during soccer practice I put a hurtin’ on Jimboy’s.

I’m not usually out 12:00 -4, but i’d rather brag about our taquerias.

Surprisingly, I remember this commercial (not even that old), but I have never had a Jack in the box taco before.

CJ asks and the Chronicle delivers!

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Are there any supertrooper fans here?

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Who knew?

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DH requested stopping at McDo en route to the country. I was still off my feed and after scouring the menu, went for the Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich.
Served pretty much as shown. I admit that I had had almost nothing to eat for several days and my palate was immaculate, but I found the chicken unbearably salty. Probably brined. And I found no evidence of grill, i.e., marks or flavor. However, lots of tomato and lettuce. Also did not detect any vignaigrette. The bun looked and smelled good, but I didn’t try it.

I would order this again were it not so salty, but as it is, will not.

DH had our normal fish sandwich. Always almost acceptable but I thought fried fish a little rich for my current tract.

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Kind of last minute but I would have tried one if this chain was near me.

Wish I’d seen that earlier. :upside_down_face:

Has anyone tired the popeye’s chicken sandwich?


I haven’t had a chance to get to town yet but I want to try Popeyes Chicken Sammy! Also want to try burger Kings impossible. I try to limit my fast food in take to one treat a month. Unless I’m on the road and have no other choices.

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I went by my local Popeyes yesterday and the line was out the door. Maybe today…


Ernie if you get your hands on one let us know what you think.

The line was out the door again today. It might take a while.