"What does the inside of your refrigerator say about you?"

:dizzy_face: I couldn’t find an embarrassed emoticon!

I don’t know, but I suspect I had a partially squeezed lemon in there, that I thought I would be using shortly.

Why do I have such a hard time throwing things away? I suppose I’ll have to take that up with my therapist.
Or maybe I’ll just take a pill.

On my way to look at the short list of refrigerators. Wish me Luck!

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I sometimes keep some squeezed citrus in the fridge for odour control.

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Yeah ! That’s it!

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Bonne chance!! What’s high on your list?

Thank you! I’ll post them on the counter depth refrigerator thread.


The inside of my fridge says I have WAY too many condiments.

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If you figure out the why of saving everything, or a treatment for it, would you please share it with me?? H would greatly appreciate it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:@shrinkrap

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I will be rich beyond my wildest dreams!


For my new "condiment " fridge. Most of which probably wouldn’t need be refrigerated if I used them faster.


You will indeed! If you buy a private jet, will you please pick me up and take me somewhere?? :upside_down_face:@shrinkrap.

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As my husband would say, a “fat cat”!

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Looks familar! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Can you tell which candidate these refrigerators support?

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Husband “what about a counter depth refrigerator?”

When my favorite aunt died, my tacky uncle married the woman he’d been seeing on the side for four + decades. First thing she did was have the kitchen carpeted- IN WHITE. If that doesn’t send a loud and clear message I’ve never seen one.


OMG, that’s freaking hard to wrap my mind around @ewsflash. But thanks for sharing!! :smiley_cat:

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Okay;I give. What is the message? I have no experience with kitchens? No food in the kitchen? You’d better not spill anything?

Sounds to me like someone who’s never cooked, and doesn’t intend to.