What are you bingeing now?

I more or less binged on macadamia nut and white chocolate chip cookies this weekend. The ones that didn’t go to the tailgate anyway on Saturday.

In fact I ate the last two and there is no redemption except pie for DH.
The pastry and filling are cooling as I type this. Chocolate cream pie. Yum. :yum:

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Haha… I’m the same. Here we have pears that are hard as rock only meant for stewing and I eat them with chilli salt. The market fruit stall people always remind me “they are for stewing”. Only these are hard enough for me.


Be sure to try “Flavor Grenade” pluots , and let me know what you think. @Presunto, have you tried them? What do you think?

I’m not sure if the pluots, plumcots, and apriums are sold with all the details elsewhere.

Pluots, Apriums, Plumcots, Apriplums: What’s the Difference?

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Delicious asian pears at the moment - crisp, juicy, and sweet.

Waiting for the persimmons…


We have pluots from Spain, only one type, and they are delicious. I always have to touch to see if plums and pluots are hard enough.

Speaking of persimmons, I also eat them firm. When I return from holidays the markets will be full of them.


Yes, those are the pluots I like! I didn’t know they had names, but I like the line green and red ones that you referred to, and there’s also a lighter yellow green colored one that has a similar shade, but paler and no red. They are great! I find the red ones often in the local American markets and only find the flavor grenades in the Chinese markets.

More than you wanted to know about pluots!

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Peachy bingeing is about to happen. Courtesy of neighborly sharing from fantastically loaded trees out back.


LOVE peaches @tomatotomato. Their season is so short and they’re delicious in any form. Lovely neighbor to share with you. :peach:

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Another friend of hers took a wheelbarrow full of peaches home. We’d never be able to use that many!

Wow, must have been a good year for peaches where you are. My dad told me the Utah peaches were excellent this year and especially sweet.

I did take virtually a wheelbarrow home from a friend’s house - unfortunately they were not great peaches. But they worked out well in jams and sauces, for peach crisp too. Also put them in smoothies.


Thick cut bacon dredged in ap flour and then baked in the oven. Tap off the excess flour, bake at 350 to your preferred doneness. Less oil, nice crisp. Then build a BLAT sandwich on pumpernickel rye. Oh yeah, it’s that good.