What are you bingeing now?

I’m going crazy with macadamia nuts and kombucha.

I bought a 25oz bag on Amazon. So good!


Dry roasted peanuts lightly salted with Green and Blacks chocolate.

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Tomatoes. Going through my last kilo of cherries, the season is finished now.

Macadamia is my number one nut, there’s no other nut I like more. I also use macadamia in other things such as thickener and when something calls for xyz nuts.

I make this every weekend, just 2 ingredients.




Corn. Tomatoes.

One or preferably both, every day, until fall rolls up and and it’s last call.


Yeah, also corn here. And the figs are arriving. I gorge on them with or without jamón. In porridge and on bread. Quarter and dip in melted chocolate!


Corn, tomatoes, juicy ripe fresh plums and peaches. Such treats!!


There are tons of blackberries around our cabin this year, so I’ve been eating a lot of them. They’re just okay, mostly. A few are excellent. But hey, free fruit.


This looks fantastic. Do you melt the chocolate or simply process it with the nuts at room temperature?

I’m eating my weight in peaches currently.


Yum! Are you a hard or soft peach fan? The harder the better for me


I melt the chocolate in a bowl over a simmering pot of water. Process the nuts until oil is released to your liking. In my photos you can see some visible bits, if you like it smoother then let the motor run a bit longer. Tip the nut paste in the chocolate bowl and mix well. Store in air-tight container and enjoy on sliced bread or baked goods.

Tip: I put a sheet of cling film over the processor bowl, then close the lid. One less thing to wash. Chuck in a cup of hot water and let it spin to loosen the nut paste. I use this liquid to make a cup of miso drink. Nothing goes to waste.

Everyone pick the soft peaches and nectarines, I get all the hard ones. Thank you! I like my stone fruits and some other fruits hard as rock.

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Figs are a thing of beauty. I also steep dried ones in scotch.
Whenever someone says they have too many figs and not knowing what to do with them. I say give me your problem then.





I also like peaches, plums and other stone fruits firm! Mangoes as well. My husband thinks I am insane.

Thank you for sharing your chocolate nut spread technique - I will give it a try the next time a Nutella craving hits!


I had no idea that people prefer hard peaches! This is blowing my mind. I am obviously on the correct side of this :rofl: and only want soft peaches. I am buying them lately in bulk every time I visit my parents (outside of Frenchtown) and hand them out like the peach fairy! :peach::fairy:


Much better to make your own. Takes a few minutes and you have total control of what goes into it. You can use whatever strength of the chocolate you like, naturally. I only eat 99-100% pure chocolate and no sugar so that’s how I started making my own.

And remember this next time you have a Nutella craving:


I couldn’t agree with this comment more!!!

Sadly, my fig isn’t going to produce this year. I suspect it is from a very odd winter we had here in NJ. I think I will go back to my previous method of wrapping it after the leaves fall off and hope that we get figs next summer.

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Oh I know, Nutella is full of REALLY gross stuff. I rarely eat it and I think I romanticize what it tastes like in between times, because when I taste it again after a few years I always say “UGH, this is so sweet and nasty, why did I ever think this was good?” I’m not quite as hard core as you are with chocolate - I prefer mine with just a bit of sugar, 85% is my sweet spot, pun intended - but still, that’s a LOT less than 55% by weight!


Silan by Soom. Date syrup is really under appreciated! I drizzle the syrup on gelato, rice pudding, toast, roasted carrots, rice cakes, skirt steak, greek yogurt, …you get the picture.

homemade beet hummus. spread on toast, enjoyed alongside scrambled eggs, topped on grilled cheese.

roasted pears with greek yogurt. breakfast/lunch/or dinner.


Currently finishing up my latest peach haul in one of my favorite ways with brie and eggs. A restaurant I worked at in high school and college did these gorgeous omelettes with brie and seasonal fruit. Always my favorite staff meal choice!


yes please …summer on a plate.

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