Weekly Menu Planning – September 2023



Oh I am a grown woman that broke her elbow and waited two days to go to ER becuase it “wasn’t that bad” ! . You can get cast covers on amazon: highly recommended for showering. And those meatballs sound wonderful…


Judicious use of Trader Joe’s to help us through another busy week.

For two adults in San Diego:

Breakfasts: Compelled myself to make chocolate chip scones.

S: (tonight) takeout

Su: Chicken tortilla soup - soup/salad

M: Kielbasa with TJs sweet potato gnocchi and peas

T: A very specific request from my husband: Fish (either salmon or cod), asparagus with mustard cream sauce, roasted potatoes - seafood

W: TJs pumpkin samosas, palak paneer - vegetarian

Th: Eggs scrambled with leftover kielbasa, spinach, cheese, served with leftover roasted potatoes

F: TJs orange chicken with veggies and rice

Have a good week!


I have TJ-envy. The nearest one is over an hour from our house.


My sincere sympathies. I may rely on them a bit too much, but I do get dinner on the table six days each week with their help.


Hi friends, feeding two adults and a teen in the Boston burbs. Semi-busy week ahead, but cooking for the freezer too.

Tonight: after recommending it to @MunchkinRedux above, I made this sheet pan pasta/chicken, but with baby spinach. I tried a new type of pasta (brown rice and quinoa, from Aldi) and it was good. However, we weren’t really feeling the dish. Could also be a result of a late and big lunch.

Mon: brisket, mashed potatoes, roasted or glazed carrots. DS has the day off for Yom Kippur and I figure it’s time he learns how to make brisket!

Tues: pan roasted cod with tomatoes (NYT), some sort of cheesy broccoli-rice casserole. Maybe this (I have notes from last time)?

Weds: chicken parm meatballs (Rachael Ray) on sub rolls for the guys, with gf pasta for me. Some sort of vegetables.

Thurs: back-to-school night. Leftovers, aka “choose your own adventure.”

Fri: pizza delivery


Actuals for Sept 18 week, cooking for 2 in MN where both of us falling ill with COVID disrupted all plans for last week and this. Microwave boxed meals and Oven/Sheet pan meals with minimal 10 minute prep worked well. Glad the fridge and freezer were well-stocked from Monday’s grocery run, since there’s been much sleeping since Tuesday (when that “hit by a truck” fever pain began for me), and continuing on through the weekend as my husband’s case arrived. No twin babies in WI yet, and I won’t be travelling to help with grand-niece care this week; my sister got called on earlier than planned for coverage.

Mon: Reheat Chicken w sweet potatoes, salad, fresh apple slices
Tues: (boxed frozen) Japanese beef & chicken with rice, red grapes, Spinach salad
Wed: (boxed frozen) Mac & cheese, shrimp, fresh orange
Thurs: Sausage and Vegetables sheet pan (a Julia Pacheco recipe), with red grapes on the side. last in the cheap freezer meals series
Fri: Pork tenderloin, (commercial) mashed potatoes, red grapes, spinach salad
Sat: I over-did it, resulting in another day of sleep Sunday. But it was fun…
BAKED – apple turnovers using puff pastry, Dorie Greenspan Marie Helene’s apple cake – half recipe
dinner - sheet pan meal - A Radically Simple Chicken Parmigiana p. 180 of Radically Simple by Rozanne Gold, Grapes
Sun : Egg bake made with Obrien potatoes, which we prefer NOT rolled into a burrito. Reheated pork tenderloin bites. Apple cake dessert


Hope you feel much better soon, and thank goodness for a well stocked freezer.


Feel better soon ( so you can meet those grandnieces when they arrive!)


We went haywire most of last week as my sis took ill, I pushed my return back (again), and mom and I ate mostly whatever she was in the mood for.


Mon - Chicken curry noodle soup with flat noodles, using up leftover chicken, a bit of thai paste I found in the freezer, and spinach.

Tues - Leftover (vegetarian) curry noodle soup for mom, masala omelette sandwich for me. Sis down and out: I made her mashed potato, tempered rice (like fried rice but lighter), and bread and butter.

Wed - Leftovers for mom and me: she had bucatini with raw tomato sauce and the rest of the tempered rice, I made a toasted sandwich with the last of the masala pot roast. Sis had tea with toast and dhokla (steamed rice cakes).

Thurs - Mom requested masala cheese toast, I had a masala omelette. Sis dialed back to tea with bread and butter.

Fri - Mom had chapati quesadillas with a mixed vegetable filling and a bit of cheddar with guac on the side. I had one of those too and then scavenged in the fridge later. Sis still running on tea and bread-butter.

Sat - I made Pav Bhaji for mom and me hoping it would tempt sis to eat something different, and so it did. Also used up a bunch of leftovers from the freezer which pleased me.

Sun - Back to sandwiches: mom had a tomato sandwich and a cheese and mustard sandwich, sis and I had grilled cheese. I later made myself Maggi noodles aka OG indian ramen.

Mon - And… again. Masala grilled cheese for mom, plain for sis. I I ordered in a favorite childhood treat have been craving: scotch broth and a steak sandwich with fries. So good! The brioche style bun was fantastic. The soup is an all-time favorite.

Tues (tonight): My plan is to make Viet garlic noodles which I’ve got everything prepped for but no one was in the mood to eat. Let’s see whether it’s just me eating them :joy:

No plan for the coming week as I am hoping to be back home in nyc and will likely eat out a bunch the first week as I catch up with people.

Have a great week!


I used commercial cornflake crumbs- which should be gluten-free- to bread eggplant last night and we liked it.


It’s that “should be” that drives me crazy. Corn flakes should be gluten free because corn does not contain gluten. However, Kellogg’s adds malt flavoring, which is made from barley, and barley contains gluten, so… Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are a no-go for people with celiac disease. *at least this is the case for the US, I can’t speak to other countries.


Reporting back - the mashed potatoes worked beautifully.


Greetings, People.

Continuing our melt-down into fall. No real plans outside of slowly cleaning up the yard after another year of productive gardening … and taking a lot of naps. Yoga practice also moves to the forefront. It seems like this happens every year about this time – take a breather, watch the soggy leaves fall, have a cuppa tea, bake a cake, and relax.

Feeding two adults in the PNW:

FRI: Recipe Tin Eats Beef Chow Mein, as brought to my attention by @GretchenS.

SAT: Shrimp scampi with orzo (rolled from last week).

SUN: Beef on the charcoal grill (our local burn ban has been lifted – yay!). Grilled veg.

MON: NYT’s Easiest Chicken Soup. Will be making a little extra (sans noodles) for the freezer for nights when I’m too out-of-sorts to cook.

TUE: NYT’s Huevos Rotos - a household favorite. Will add fresh Spanish chorizo.

WED: Cioppino. I use a recipe the origin of which I can’t recall, but this one from Once Upon A Chef looks good. I add bacon and potatoes.

THUR: Zucchini pizza, probably the last one for the year.


October is just around the corner. Here’s the topic for next month, ready for your plans. Weekly Menu Planning - October 2023


Actuals for the last week of September & first day of October. Cooking for 2 in MN, where stamina was in short supply but ambitions large this week as we both shook off the lingering effects of COVID. And I’m delighted to report that I’m a Great Aunt again – with the arrival of twin girl (7 pounds) and boy (5 pounds 9 oz) this morning to my niece in WI. Mom & babies are well. I likely won’t attempt a visit for another 2 weeks, but we’ll see how they settle in at home, and how my sister holds up continuing care for the 7 and 3 year old big-sisters.

Mon: Reheat chicken parm, tomato-tortellini soup with added tortellini. Red grapes. Lemon poppyseed zucchini cake. (gift from my baking buddy)
Tues & Wed: Comfort food from my childhood - Seven Seas tuna/rice/peas casserole, minus the onion , Fruit - fresh peach, kiwi, red grapes. Added this tasty and easy apple/farro/spinach salad on Wed
Thurs - overly ambitious 2-soup day, making a half recipe of each, splitting a pound of ground beef. Easy lasagna soup (half recipe), naan bread. and
Taco soup (half recipe), tortilla chips, red grapes. Similar to linked recipe, but with an added can of diced tomatoes and using beef broth instead of water. Followed by an afternoon nap.
Fri - overly ambitious pent-up baking. With nap to follow…
BAKED – cornmeal muffins (packaged mix), peach crumb bars, and whole wheat blueberry muffin tops. Dinner was reheated Taco Soup.
Sat & Sun: Slow cooker chicken tikka masala The Kitchen over brown rice. Normandy vegetables with cashews.
Snack apple chex mix – with craisins instead of almonds. I used a 3.4 oz. bag of baked (Bare Apple Chips), crumpled a bit




Hello to everyone from the Twin Cities of MN where we have had record high temperatures and not entirely sure it’s not July instead of October. Turned out big kiddo’s sprained wrist was actually 2 broken bones in her arm so life pivoted to deal with that- she had surgery a week ago and now has an old school plaster cast/ club/weapon on her R arm. Of course she’s right handed so menu planning is influenced by what can big kiddo eat. Actuals to close out September for 2 adults and 2 growing (and one mobility impaired) girls enjoying a week off from activities thanks to hockey try outs!

Sun 24: SK’s cold noodles with sautéed tofu https://smittenkitchen.com/2014/08/cold-noodles-with-miso-lime-and-ginger/ Big kiddo had a lot of servings of leftover for lunch this week

Mon 25: Big kiddo’s surgery- thankfully they were able to realign her arm without an incision but she still had general anesthesia for the reduction. Store bought meatballs and sauce with pasta

Tues 26: CSA pick up. Totally can’t remember dinner?!?

Weds 27: Leftover meatballs and sauce

Thus 28: Lazy mommy’s fish tacos but with shrimp instead

Fri 29: Cottage pie from a blend of internet recipes. Food for freezer stash with the leftovers Also made a nice dent in the over abundance of CSA veggies (there was squash in those mashed potatoes. . .) I had a salad

Sat 30: They had leftover cottage pie and some supplemental blue box. I made the appearance as SIL’s birthday party. Love her to pieces. glad we didn’t spend on a babysitter. I hit up the drive thru on the way home- the appetizers were waiting for us in 85 degree heat on the patio

Sun 1: Grilled pork tenderloin, purchased gnocchi (TJs) green peas, squash sauce with the flavors of the cold noodles

I will post October on the appropriate thread. Rather glad to have September in the rearview mirror




Oh what a week! Poor Big kiddo… hope that she recovers quickly!