Weekly Menu Planning - March 2024

Ah yes, that return from time off to a huge backlog in-box. Work just squishes to either side of days off – it doesn’t really get “covered” by others! Your weekend and week meal & activities plans sound perfect.


That’s why I don’t bother saying anything at work - it just falls on deaf ears followed by comments from management saying they know they can count on me to get the work done. Three and a half months until the next vacation…


I have an alarming number of additional obligations this week, on top of my normal work. I counted 12 hours of additional stuff. This week’s meal plan is all about ease and using what I have on hand.

For two adults in San Diego:

Breakfasts: Last week indeed was a pastry incident. No complaints. Sometimes, one must let a local bakery earn money. It’s good for the economy. :slight_smile: Will probably bake scones tomorrow (Sunday).

S: (tonight) takeout - Chile colorado burrito

Su: Pasta with chicken, tomatoes, and spinach in a light garlic cream sauce.

M: Leftover chicken pot pies

T: Chicken tortilla - soup

W: TJs green chile tamales with salad - vegetarian

Th: English muffins topped with purchased crab cakes, avocado, and chipotle mayo (and maybe a fried egg), with salad - seafood

F: Carnitas (TJs, being easy on myself) with all the trimmings

Have a good week!


Actuals for Mar 11 week, cooking for 2 in MN. Where from afternoon Tuesday on I’ve been catching up on my to-be-read stack of science fiction short-stories (Analog magazines) from two years ago to now. And adding to my list of get-from-library sci fi books based on the book-reviews sections of those magazines. This meant that other than Monday’s elaborate salad it was fairly common to look up from the page and realize dinner-time cooking needed to happen NOW and quickly. I was happy to have the menu plan ready to know what to make.

Mon: Copycat Kincaids restaurant Seafood Louis composed salad (Thousand Island dressing, greens topped with warm salmon, surrounded by chilled shrimp, artichoke hearts, asparagus, h.b. egg, cherry tomatoes, cucumber), Angel biscuits
Tues - (from freezer) Pizza, red grapes
Wed: Sushi. Open face toasted tuna/egg/cheese salad on English muffin. Fresh orange slices.
Thurs: Pi day - celebrated with slivers of frozen Chocolate pie. Meatballs (area of sphere is 4/3 pi r cubed) and sauce over tortellini, garlic-buttered baguette, salad/spinach. Strawberries on orange scones with whipped cream.
Fri: Lunch for 3 days Turkey (Chicken) Noodle Soup Fast 35 minutes, naan bread, spinach. Strawberries and orange scones. Dinner - skillet Cod, sweet potato puffs, peas
Sat: Tuna salad on toast, cherry tomatoes and cucumber sticks, chips. Chocolate pie.
Sun (today): Pork tenderloin 2 ways – w/ onion and adobo seasoning (Shred for Monday tacos). With teriyaki sauce (for today). Rice. Broccoli.


I love the inclusion of meatballs, and the formula for area, as part of the Pi Day celebration!


Is this by any chance the Kinkaids restaurant that used to be in DC??

Was that Kinkead’s rather than Kincaid’s?


That Kinkead’s opened when I was at GW and it quickly became THE place to have your parents take you when they visited. 2000 Penn (which was basically right in the middle of campus) was such a memorable little mall… Tower Records, an ice cream place, the Gap, Kinko’s, I think a Bertucci’s was there too?


Whoa, I don’t see many mentions of Analog in the wild. tips hat to you


No, LLM, looking at their website this MN-only 2-restaurant “chain” has now branched out to California. Part of Landry’s group of various named/themed dining.

Also two in California, one in the Bay Area and one in SoCal.


Yes! That’s the one I was thinking of. I worked at The World Bank, and it was a great lunch/happy hour spot then. Before that I waited tables in a place about a block down Pennsylvania Ave. Truman, I forgot you went to GW … wonder how many times we passed each other in the street!


I’ve visited the location in Oakland a few times. That’s the only location I knew about!

Sunday: lamb souvlaki roasted in the oven, broccolini with garlic and lemon, focaccia. Purchased Crème Caramel.

Monday: I bought a heritage chicken that I’ll roast tonight. A lemon parmesan pasta. Kale somehow, not sure how yet. Maroulosalata.

Tue: mild Italian sausage, roast potatoes. Probably a Calabrian eggplant parm (not breaded). My Indian and Middle Eastern eggplant preps have not been going over well with the dining companions lately. Southern Italian-style or Greek-style seems to work better right now.

Wed: fish to be determined. Maybe some rice and peas.

Thu: meatballs, type to be determined.


The only one in the Bay Area now is in Burlingame, which is down on the Peninsula in the South Bay. I think the Oakland location closed several years ago.

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Belatedly posting for this week, because I only planned Sun-Tues and then came up with Weds-Sat(ish) last night. It was a rough weekend. As usual, feeding 3 in the Boston burbs.

Sun: corned beef, mashed potatoes, roasted carrots. I had a little meltdown over the corned beef because Wegmans labeled it gluten-free, as one should expect for corned beef, but then when I pulled it out to cook I noticed an allergen warning of “may contain wheat.” After much back and forth with Wegmans customer service, we determined the allergen warning was incorrect. Sigh.

Mon: pasta with a variety of toppings to choose from - Italian chicken sausage, ricotta, and red sauce. I think we had sugar snap peas on the side, which didn’t go well with the red sauce.

Tues: fish tacos, refried beans for them / salad for me as I’m not a canned refried bean fan.

Weds (today): steak tips, baked potatoes, roasted asparagus

Thurs: lasagna, vegetable tbd.

Fri: leftovers.


Sorry about that Wegman’s thing. Sounds very frustrating!


Sorry about the Wegmans scare. The week sounds tasty though.


Thanks, fortunately it wasn’t an actual scare as I saw the contradictory labels before cooking the CB. But I was sulking and having a serious pity party about (1) not getting to eat CB and (2) having to figure out something else to make for myself. I did manage to remain polite with the customer service rep, I think, so I’ll call that a win.


That’s because you’re missing the PSTOB. :wink: