Walking shoes and running shoes you love

I feel her pain…

Tell me about your walking shoes. I used to walk daily but have had to rein it back considerably in the past 8 months due to consistent pain in my heel, which was diagnosed as planter fasciitis. I have my doubts since the exercises prescribed for that don’t improve the situation. I’m going to get insoles but I’m due for new shoes first.


I had the same heel problem, very painful to the point of not wanting to go for walks. Bought some Dr. Scholl’s pain relief insoles for Plantar Fasciitis and some Skechers GOWALK FLEX ,started doing daily stretches and strengthening exercises and the pain is almost all gone. Back to my 10km walks with no problems. I uses the insoles with other footwear as well.


10 Easy Plantar Fasciitis Stretches & PT Exercises [Free PDF] (sportydoctor.com)


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A bit nerdy, but comfy as heck. Most of my shoes are now slip-on because I’m a lazy bastardo :smiley:


Thanks for all that! Have you tried super feet as insoles? That’s what I’ve heard from my circle.

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You’re welcome :slight_smile: Never heard of Super Feet insoles, but if they work for you that’s all that matters. The Dr. Scholle’s have worked wonders for my feet.

I had an MRI on my feet. I ended up with a trifecta diagnosis: arthritis, tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis.

My Hokas allow me to walk (last year 120km in 5 days on a Camino) with no pain.



So many models … which one do you use?

I wear Asics runners for 90 percent of my walks. Very happy with them. I’ll find my current models.

I’m considering buying some walking flats from Vivaia

Take a look into ’ SKETCHERS '. Extremely comfortable incorporating memory foam and cooling technology with nice cushioning heel counters and arch supports.
I wore them during my recent trip to Europe averaging over 16,000 steps per day!

When I had plantar fasciitis my PCP recommended Aetrex insoles. He warned me they were expensive — they are — they’re also leather and slim enough to fit into non-athletic shoes. So I got some and they worked for me!! YMMV.

I see that Zappos no longer carries them. Lynco dress ortho cupped neutral. Hopefully they have a similar model.

Sunshine’s doctor recommended “Oofos” shoes. They were a bit too pricey for her and we found something similar at Big 5 sporting goods (on the clearance table) SCORE!!

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I’ve had nothing but good luck with Mizuno Maximizers, but they’re not easy to get at a reasonable price here in the US. I hope you can get shoes that fit well and work with your plantar fasciitis issues.


I wear Clifton 8s for the gym and for general goofing off. Slip resistant Bondis for work. Anacapas for hiking. Recovery flips for general life.


I just bought a pair of hoka yesterday. I’m optimistic. They feel very supportive.


Wasn’t it hard choosing which one? What did you decide on?

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We have a boutique walk/run store with helpful employees. They watch you walk, look at the wear on the soles of your current shoes, listen to your goal for the shoes and steer you to the right style. I got Clifton which were fairly cushioned and correct a walk that favors the outside of your foot. Arahi apparently corrects those that walk on the inside of their foot. And I believe he said bondi is for people who generally walk on the center of their foot.

They also have an amazing return policy. I was told that I could wear the shoes both inside and outside and if they didn’t feel right, I could return them within a month. But of course, that is the store and not the brand of shoe. I will say that the shoes are on the pricey side, and so not all shoes stores will carry them. The ones that generally carry more expensive merchandise will have them, and they may also have better customer experience and return policies as a result.