Trader Joe's 2024: YEA/NAY/MEH

Yeah on reconsideration the pizza crackers are a NAY

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My local TJ’s was out of the Argentinian red shrimp, so I got a bag of this, raw tail-on shrimp. It has more flavor than the Argentinian, so Yay.


What is their provenance?

Good to know. I wasn’t impressed with the Argentinian red shrimp at all, and much prefer the black tiger shrimp, which are unfortunately a seasonal item.

Echoing @CaitlinM - where from?

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I forgot to look at the package for the source, and the bag isn’t ziplock so I poured the shrimp into a real Ziploc for the freezer.

Argentinian shrimp are completely different; I don’t use them the same way. They’re fleshier and sweeter, and have a different texture.

Sort of like comparing langoustines to tiger prawns.


Oh, oops. Wrong thread. I can’t read today, apparently. I meant the wild-caught Argentinian red shrimp from ALDI. Same goes for the black tiger shrimp.


I found them to be relatively flavorful, but mushy. Doubt TJ’s are any different from Aldi TBH :woman_shrugging:t3:

One online pic says Thailand, but I don’t know if that’s uniformly the case.

That was my suspicion, as usually they are of Southeast Asian origin if not specifically marked otherwise. Guess I won’t be trying them, then.


Is Argentina any better than Thailand?

Probably not environmentally, since they use drag trawlers to harvest them, though I haven’t heard of there being equivalent labor (slavery, essentially) issues there. I generally buy wild gulf shrimp.

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YAY for the mini mint ice cream mouthfuls. Oreo-sized chocolate cookie sandwiches with mint chip ice cream.


The ingredient portions must vary widely for this. Just had it tonight and, while the taste was good, I had the following comments:

  1. Maybe four 1/4” pieces of tofu in each package.
  2. I’ve read that these are supposed to feed two. Maybe for a very light lunch. I’d say it is enough for one not very hungry person for dinner…. if that.
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A lot of TJ’s prepared foods are that way. The packaged salads in tubs often indicate two or even three portions, when obviously one person will be eating them. It’s a way to make the calorie counts and fat content look moderate, IMO.


FWIW, the shrimp are labeled as “farm raised”. says that some Thai farm-raised shrimp is rated “good alternative”, but only from some kinds of farms. I’ll have to check the label more carefully.

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I read that farm raised shrimp labeled from Thailand is often really from China.

I would rather eat shrimp less often but just eat wild.

(I admit I buy and enjoy the frozen panko shrimp from Costco.)

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Yay for the chocolate and vanilla swirl gelato. They were sampling it today and my son was crazy for it.

I was just at a local indie supermarket (Berkeley Bowl West), and they have Santa Monica Seafood frozen shrimp, which has a host of sustainability certificates, for about the same price as the TJ’s. I’ll get those next time.


Is anyone familiar with the natural casing hot dogs i saw at my local TJs the other day? Didn’t take notes or a pic and don’t recall if they were TJ’s brand or something else. I’ve been buying Hoffy’s lately but wonder what the TJ’s are like.