Trader Joe’s yea/nay/meh 2020

same in the SF store on Bryant.

oops, this reply was meant for @brisket44.

I kinda think I saw it in Burlington recently BUT because I was near the Peabody TJ’S a couple of weeks ago, I went there for the first time (and was pleased to find they sell alcohol). Burlington can order it if it shows up in their inventory options list. I always use Tiparos brand because it’s one of the least salty. It’s one of the first brands to become available in America. I have neither tried Red Boat nor compared labels.

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Thanks, I usually shop Peabody for that very reason but was at Wegmans and wanted to grab some coffee and fish sauce. When they checked the inventory no longer available came up.
But I will check again.

Ok I tried sprinkling the elote seasoning on a few things, and it’s too sweet for me. Going back to straight chile lime (bich is what I sprinkle on corn, incidentally).


Here’s another review:

I bought some today and will try it on some tacos made with leftover chicken and frozen roasted corn. Will report back. I tasted it and it is spicy though.

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[quote=“Saregama, post:44, topic:20336, full:true”]…Going back to straight chile lime (bich is what I sprinkle on corn, incidentally).

Who are you calling a … Oh, I get it. :wink:

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Ya know, I did try to edit that but it was too late… so I guess it’s a if-it-fits sich… :joy:

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Fun! I will look for them.

Great price!

My niece is addicted to Thai tea; she would love these! Thanks for the heads up.

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The impossible/beyond style burgers have arrived:

YAY: Scalloped Potato Flavored Potato Chips. Flavoring is pleasant and subtle, not overpowering. My wife likes them too, but has a standing complaint about people saying ‘scalloped’ potatoes when they mean au gratin.

(I still miss the horseradish and chive chips. By far my favorite TJ’s chip flavor.)

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They were sampling the protein patties the other day, and to me they tasted far more like a real burger than Beyond or Impossible. YMMV.

$9/lb. Yikes. Glad they are good.

Same size package is $5.99-10.99 around here at other stores…

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I miss the Honey Butter potato chips from a couple of years ago. My scale does not. They were all kinds of sinful, and came in a LARGE bag, to make resistance even more futile.


Oh boy, I am psyched! That’s quite a bit less expensive than the Impossible Meat, which I love. I hope it’s not like Beynd Meat, which mmm is pea-based and to my taste buds, unconvincing.

Pea protein. Not surprised, many want a non-soy non-gluten alternative these days.


:disappointed: Sad now…

seemed like the appropriate place to post this sad news:

loved how he described his target market: “overeducated and underpaid.”